Did you know that Travelling can make your life better & happier

Posted by Bookmywizard inc on December 17th, 2020

Travelling is the key to happiness – Anonymous

Imagine yourself relaxing on a beach. Basking in the early sun, getting yourself a tan and relaxing yourself to the soothing sound of sea waves and seagulls. Feels good right? Just by imagining yourself on a vacation made you feel happy, didn’t it? Imagining travelling plans and how exciting it would be definitely taking off the edge from the stressing out situations you might be facing every day. Getting out and travelling to your favourite or unknown destinations is always on the bucket list of almost all the people. However, can travelling really make you happy?

Following are some more reasons that will convince you that travelling does make you happy

Making New Friends

Even a coffee shop or a private cab will not help you make a conversation with your partners better than travelling with like-minded strangers on the road. The true calm and friendly nature of a person comes out only when they feel free and relaxed. These two things seemingly occur only when one is traveling to their favourite location or perhaps any unknown location. Meeting and interacting with new people is always interesting especially with the locals as you can learn so many things from them.

Learning new things

Travel is a good teacher. Pardon us for the wrong sentence formation but it is true. As soon as you leave your place to travel you are bound to learn new things on the go. One of the main things one learns when they travel is a new culture, new food and newfound respect for the people and their practices and religion. There is a thing about the newness of the culture and one seems to be attracted to the people and the way they live. The fascination and curiosity allow one to learn new things on the way and even once, you have reached the destination too.

Confidence booster

What else can be more satisfying than getting your confidence-booster sky-high? While travelling, one must expect some unfortunate events that require some solutions that you would have never thought of before. This allows you to grow a deep sense of satisfaction coz you have successfully resolved a problem all by yourself. Imagine finding your way back to your place of stay in a land where no one speaks your language or perhaps even successfully bargaining and getting the most even in the least amount of money. Even such a small things act as a great confidence booster and make you a very happy person for days to come for sure.

Makes you respect and miss your family and home

The day you stay away from something as valuable as a family and your beloved home the more you start respecting and missing it. Family is the only thing one takes for granted at least once in their lifetime. Always being in their care and comfort of your home does not make you 

realize its importance unless you start missing it on one of your travels. It is definitely a good thing, as you gain such an experience on your way to your favourite destination carrying your loved ones with you in your thoughts. The value of someone or something is only understood when we tend to travel away from it. It might be a little emotional sort of thing but the memories of your loved ones during travels will definitely bring a big smile to your face. 

Alone time

As the quote by anonymous states-, ‘Not all who wander are lost’. Some people tend to wander on their own to find oneself and gain inner peace. The much needed “Me” time is only gained while one is travelling alone to the destination known/unknown as it helps one be alone with their own thoughts, helping them to figure out many things which they were not able to focus on in the chaos of the city.  

This alone time is much needed and we even practice is in our day-to-day life performing meditation where we are alone with our own thoughts. Travelling for many is a kind of meditation.

What comes to your mind when you hear the words city life?

Hectic, pollution, stressed out, rent, bills, salary, tension? Well, at least one of these words must have hit you hard right now. These words are the mirror image of the life people are living in a day in and out in a modern-day city. Travelling is a one-way ticket that can and will help you be placed far away from all the situations you want to be left away from. It is just not a prerequisite to have a happy and stress-free life but it is a necessity for all city folks now. While travelling all one thinks about is what is around and how beautiful the destination is going to be. This makes all forget the worries they had in their heads before even they had started travelling.

Make you a storyteller

Every storyteller was once a traveller

Have you ever been to a place and have not told stories about it? Impossible we say! Each travel has an enthusiastic child hiding behind their grown-up bodies waiting impatiently to reach their loved ones and friends so that they could narrate the amazing things they had done during the trip. The enthusiasm is so much that one tends to forget their daily stress and other worries some things they had in their minds and make them awesome storytellers. Travelling has had this effect on many, in fact, a lot of new day movies are also based on people and the experience they had travelling around the world. The most important and noticeable thing in a person is the smile they get when someone asks them how was their trip.
Book My Wizards ongoing consulting works like a charm for travellers. Suppose a person wants to know any specifications related to the destination like a place of stay, places to visit, modes of transport and much more. Book My Wizard has experts from all around the globe who are ready to help you out whenever you are in need of it. Avoid depending on luck anymore, just say hi to the new age consulting method with Book My Wizard.
Travelling is not just an escape from all your daily problems, it helps you come back and fix thing forever. Travelling refreshes, you, makes you happy and gets you ready for another round of your day-to-day life before you travel again. These were some of the reasons we thought were the ones, which made the travellers happy. What are your thoughts on these? Have we missed any? List the ones you know or have experienced in your travels, we would love to hear it from you.

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Bookmywizard inc
Joined: December 4th, 2020
Articles Posted: 6

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