Do's and Don'ts – Skincare tips this winter!

Posted by CV Skinlabs on December 17th, 2020

When winter arrives, you start noticing a few changes in your skin. It becomes dry, rough, red, and sometimes itchy. Are you wondering why?

Your skin keeps itself hydrated by pulling in the moisture from the environment. And when humidity levels decrease, your skin gets dehydrated and feels dry. Here are some dos and don'ts to preserve hydrated and soft skin this winter.

The dos of winter skincare:

1- Get a mild cleanser

In winters, you may have to change some of your skincare products. For example, change your cleanser if it makes your face feel dry and tight after a wash.

Using a milder and more moisturizing cleanser will help your skin not to dry out for the winter season. Besides that, it will also help your skin to maintain its pH level.

2- Change your regular moisturizer into a heavier one

Moisturizing your skin is essential throughout the year, but it is more important during winters. Switch your regular light moisturizer to a deep moisturizer, which makes your skin feel nourished, soft, and hydrated. 

3- Eat healthy food

It is vital to maintain a healthy diet to maintain water content and boost sebum production within the body. Consuming foods rich in Vitamin A, E, and C can maintain great skin health.

4- Exfoliate Properly

Exfoliating twice or thrice a week in winters can help your skin to maintain its moisture. Doing this gently in a circular motion will increase the blood flow to your skin and result in bright and healthy skin.

5- Use sunscreen

Just because the climate is cold does not mean the sun isn't harsh. The sun can cause more harm during the colder months. Pick a soothing day cream that also protects your skin from UV rays.

6- Wear loose clothes

Dry skin in winter can be encouraged irritated if you wear tight clothes. Wear loose clothes to maintain a strategic distance from feeling uncomfortable.

The don'ts of winter skincare:

1- Do not over-wash your face

Washing your face often in winters can make your skin dehydrating. It's important to do not wash your face more than twice a day.

2- Do not bath for a long in hot water

Taking long showers or bathing in the hot shower for too long can remove essential oils from your skin. Hot water can be very harsh for your skin and hair, especially your facial skin, which is more sensitive.

3- Avoid harsh chemical products

Products with irritants or harsh chemicals can cause damage to your skin. Avoid using chemical products that are high in sulphates and parabens.

At the end

Winter brings a whole new set of skincare concerns. These were some do and don'ts skin care tips to avoid and do this winter. Also, to avoid the harsh cold winds that result in dehydrating, look for CV Skin Labs products for Skin barrier repair.

Micheal Adam is the author of this article. For more details about Stressed skin please visit our website:

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CV Skinlabs
Joined: November 19th, 2020
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