Calgary wisdom teeth extraction – when to opt for this treatment?

Posted by Pathwaysdental on December 21st, 2020

Numerous people in their late teens get their wisdom teeth extracted. However, not everybody has to have their teeth removed. Whilst dentists typically have differing views concerning this, it is best to check with an expert if you believe you require Calgary wisdom teeth extraction treatment.

Though oral surgery sounds scary, wisdom teeth extraction could typically be a good experience than not opting for it as far as the wisdom tooth pain related issues are concerned. However, several people do not experience any issues when they have a wisdom tooth and don’t have to remove it. Regardless of this, the majority of dental experts will suggest wisdom teeth removal if you happen to experience the following.

The tooth does not fit in the mouth

The majority of people possess sufficient room for their teeth [28 in number, before the emergence of 4 wisdom teeth and so in total 32]. When the jaw is not big enough, the wisdom teeth could get impacted which might make the eruption process to be incomplete or misaligned. In such conditions, wisdom teeth extraction in Calgary is required to help you have enough space.

Chronic pain in your gums

This might be a sign of an infection that may have happened from the wisdom teeth' partial eruption. When food and bacteria get trapped in such places, it might result in agonizing infection [pericoronitis]. In this case, removing your wisdom tooth will help prevent painful infection.

Your wisdom teeth not coming out straight

If your teeth erupt fully but emerge sideways, they might cause the other teeth to move over time. There is also a likelihood that misaligned teeth could harm your surrounding teeth.

Cyst formation around the wisdom teeth

This occurs when the sac near the tooth is loaded with fluid. When this happens, it might ruin the nearby structures such as bone or tooth roots. In rare cases, a cyst that is not treated might even result in a tumour development which requires a more extreme surgical procedure to remove.

Things to anticipate from the wisdom tooth removal procedure

Consult with your dentist or dental surgeon to ensure that you comprehend the procedure and care suggestions subsequent to the Calgary wisdom teeth extraction surgery. However, prior to the procedure, you need to enquire about the following.

The number of teeth that are to be removed

Certain dentists will remove all four or only one or two at a time.

The anesthesia type that is to be used

Typically, you will go through local or general anesthesia. If the dentist will utilize general anesthesia for wisdom teeth extraction in Calgary, you need someone to accompany you since you will become tired and unsteady and won’t be able to drive back home.

The procedure length

This mostly depends on the number of teeth to be extracted and the condition of your teeth, however, it might range from 60 minutes to some hours.

Aria Jones is the author of this article. To know more about Calgary Wisdom Teeth Extraction please stay with our

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