Best Online Casino Spain: Some Facts about Mixed Roulette Strategies

Posted by Vikram Kumar on May 25th, 2014

Roulette is very straight forward casino game and anyone can employ mathematical strategies to be able to increase their chances of winning. As you play roulette, you will be subjected with tons of variations for your bets. It is up to you on how you can manage all the risks and your reward. In online casino community, it is roulette which is one of the most played games and it is also considered as one of the best online casino Spain.

This is why many players have developed different strategies to be able to beat the wheel. It does not matter whether you are already an experienced or newbie player as you can get an edge over the house if you know the truth about mixed roulette strategies especially when you have downloaded the game through casino games for mobile phone.

Red & Black Roulette Strategy

This is a nice and effective strategy that can offer higher winning rate. Once you see 5 red or black numbers in one row, then you should bet with the same color to win. When zero occurs within the series, then you should ignore it and count numbers. It can also work if you will play in a land based casino. There is a 99% win rate for this strategy when you play it through casino games for mobile phone.

Pivot Roulette Strategy

This strategy is against the law of probability. It makes use of unequal distribution law that states that some numbers will appear more frequently than other numbers. According to this theory, roulette is not a random game. It works using unequal distribution law. There are numbers that will likely to repeat its outcome within the period of 24 spins. If you will be successful in observing the pattern create because of the imbalanced of the wheel, then you can place your bet with higher possibility of winning the game. With Pivot Roulette Strategy, players are required to observe the outcome of roulette table without making any bet. There is a need to record the turnout of numbers for each spin. Once there is a repeated number, then list it a pivot number. This will be the very first number for you to bet on.

Hedge your bets at the best online casino Spain

This is also an effective roulette strategy for expensive bets with more definite outcomes. If you can hedge the wheel as much as possible, then it can give you a profitable outcome. There is always an opportunity to lose the game due to stray numbers, but this strategy can give you substantial advantage.

Labouchere Roulette Strategy

This strategy is being used by gamblers looking for uncomplicated roulette strategy. This is also known as “cross-out system”. This is a very popular strategy as it can minimize the edge of the house and the result can maximize your winnings. However, it will not guarantee a winning streak, but it can give regular winnings for every session. By writing sequence of numbers like 1, 3, 4 and 2, then your first bet will be equal to the sum of the first outer number such as 1 and 2.

Aside from these strategies, there are more for you to learn as you research further for casino games for mobile phone . To take advantage of a particular strategy you must know if a particular strategy is right for the game or if it is working for the best online casino Spain - .

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Vikram Kumar

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Vikram Kumar
Joined: March 6th, 2014
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