Preventing a Relapse: Daily Questions to Ask Yourself To Maintain Sobriety

Posted by Care Addiction Center on December 23rd, 2020

Making the decision to stop using substances is very challenging. During addiction treatment you will learn about addiction, how to manage urges and cravings, how to identify your personal triggers, and create a relapse prevention plan to support long-term sobriety.

Recovery is a lifelong journey of personal growth. It is not just about putting down the substance, it is about building a healthier lifestyle and mindset that creates balance and fulfillment in your life. A daily recovery check-in with yourself or journaling about your day will help you identify if there are any warning signs or risks to your sobriety. Below is a list of questions to help keep you recovery focused:

1. Did I prioritize my recovery today?

It is wise to make sure you are doing something everyday that strengthens your recovery. Dedicating some time to attend meetings, checking in with your sponsor or trusted support person are a few ways to make sure you are keeping recovery at the forefront.

2. In what ways can I continue to meet the recovery goals I have set for myself?

Managing daily life demands and recovery can be challenging. Set yourself up for success by creating a list of weekly, small, attainable goals that will get you to where you want to be. Checking things off of a list not only boosts your confidence and helps keep you motivated but allows you to see how far you’ve come in your recovery.

3. Did anything happen today that in the past would have triggered me to use?

Look back at your list of triggers. Did you have a craving or urge to use? Reflect on what helped you overcome that urge. Decide if there is anything you wish you would have done differently.

4. What happened today that is a reminder of why I am thankful to be in recovery?

Making a mental note or journaling the reasons you are thankful for recovery will help you keep perspective on why you started this journey. Practicing gratitude will help keep a positive outlook.

5. Are there any areas of my recovery in which I need to improve?

Maybe you have been missing meetings or isolating from friends and loved ones. Be open and honest with yourself about what areas may need more attention or what you still want to achieve in your recovery.

6. Is there anything new I learned about myself today?

This could be a new strength, coping skill, trigger and or goal you wish to identify. Recovery is about finding what works for you, the longer you are sober the more things you will discover about yourself.

Keep in mind that recovery is not linear. It is never too late to get back on track if you are struggling with sobriety, reach out and ask for help. There is no such thing as too much support in recovery. Making recovery a daily part of your life will help you to achieve and maintain long term sobriety.

If you or a loved one need help for addiction and want to know more about addiction treatment programs, call us at: (630) 402-0144.

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Care Addiction Center

About the Author

Care Addiction Center
Joined: October 14th, 2020
Articles Posted: 24

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