4 Hal yang Harus Kamu Ketahui tentang Pasar Sedekah, Platform Pasar Digital Syar

Posted by bayu on December 24th, 2020

pasar sedekah

During the pandemic, since 9 months ago, one of the elements of society that was greatly disadvantaged was the UMKM. Currently, the majority of MSMEs are running out of capital. But on the other hand, the e-commerce business is believed to continue to grow rapidly in 2021 because it is driven by shifting consumer spending patterns during the pandemic. It is estimated that migration to online channels is mostly carried out by micro, small and medium enterprises.

Unfortunately, in the midst of increasing competition and the rapid marketplace business in Indonesia, not many have implemented buying and selling transactions according to Islamic sharia. In fact, as a country with the majority of Muslims, it is important for Muslims in this country to carry out commercial activities in accordance with the exemplary values ​​of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

This prompted Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) to initiate Pasarsedekah.com; e-commerce-based digital trading platform that accommodates shopping needs that bring blessings through alms because it helps people in need. What makes the Alms Market different from other e-commerce? Here's what you need to know:

1. Usefulness

Pasarsedekah.com makes alms as its main value. Through PasarSedekah.com, micro, small and medium entrepreneurs can maximize profits and expand their marketing network while still based on Islamic economic values. Through these economic values, the Alms Market can help raise the economy and prosper the people. This is because in every purchase transaction activity, buyers will automatically carry out alms activities for beneficiaries connected to the Alms Market. Buyers can also add the value of alms through the features provided.

2. Empowerment

In the Alms Market, one of the top merchant categories is the assistance of the UMKM empowerment program as a means for facilitators to go digital to empower MSMEs to be more massively recognized by the public. Not only providing the latest and updated items, pasarsedekah.com is also open to thriftshop and preloved items. So, those of you who want old things to be socially useful can join the Alms Market.

3. Blessings

By adding the value of alms to each transaction, blessings become the value that both the seller and the buyer get. While carrying out trading activities, buyers and sellers have contributed to the effort to revive the economy of the people. The Alms Market congregates the people by utilizing technology as a driver of blessings through alms at any time.

In the future, there are three targets that will be carried out by the Alms Market so that the ecosystem can develop further. First, target entrepreneurs; see the benefits of this platform. Second, target socialpreneurs; see the benefits of social value transactions. This means that the activities carried out are not only profitable but also pay attention to social responsibility to the wider community. Lastly, target celestialpreneurs; seeing every transaction that is done is worth a blessing. This means that the activities carried out have an impact on implementation programs for the beneficiaries, namely the underprivileged.

By utilizing technology as a driver of blessings through alms at any time, God willing, the Alms Market is not only a place for buying and selling transactions, but also to move the economy of the people, starting from the MSME sector. Together with the Alms Market, every transaction can be accompanied by alms for ACT programs, which, God willing, have been trusted and have a reputation for decades as the leading foundation in the humanitarian sector.

Immediately visit pasarsedekah.com to find daily necessities. You can also invest in waqf based for the sustainability of the Alms Market as support for efforts to build the best Islamic civilization through buying and selling at pasarsedekah.com.

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Joined: November 21st, 2020
Articles Posted: 6

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