TV News Vs Internet News

Posted by LauraDerb on December 24th, 2020

Television is another means of news and current affairs in any country or town; more often, the news is broadcast live and in real time. However, the Internet can also bring such advantages for viewers and news readers. Aside from full articles on popular news, there are websites that allow viewers to watch news such as they can find on television.

Are there advantages to having one over the other?
Does television offer something that the Internet cannot?
Which one will you choose Internet News or TV News?

Let's try to get into the two aspects that both news media can offer ...


Television credibility: all the news broadcast by television is being reported by real journalists who work for the network. All this taken from real accounts of people or situations that are the subject of the reports. Thus, the reports are credible as much as the reporters and the subjects. Therefore, when you are watching a television report, you can be sure that the content is ข่าวIT.

Credibility on the Internet: Blogs turned bloggers into other types of journalists who bring different types of news written in such a way that they reflect the opinion of the people who have witnessed the situations in the first instance or reflect their own way of speaking. Although, there are true paid journalistic writers, but they are so few as to make up a small percentage in Internet journalism. So you won't be surprised to read some news that can't really pass the standards of real journalism.


TV News: Most TV news broadcasts are recent or have occurred recently. Television networks are very interested in the latest developments in the community or country. They even have contacts within police stations so they can dig the records of the people who are the subject of their news. This is just a good indication that TV news is fresh and delivered only moments from the moment it happened.

Internet News: While there are millions of bloggers around the world, they keep an eye on the latest and greatest news from around the world. Most of the time, bloggers also get their stories from television or newspapers; This type of news can be called second-hand because it has been disseminated in other media. Most news forums are created from news networks; Television networks create their own websites to deliver fresh news to online readers.

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