Interior Design Ideas For A Teenager’s Bedroom

Posted by hasnain shah alam on December 25th, 2020

If there is anything we have learnt from the teenage rom coms, it is that every teenager is unique in her own way and they want their bedroom to reflect their personality.

So, don't be surprised or worried, if your teenage girl is filled with ideas about her bedroom. 

If you are lucky enough to have more than one teenage girl, then it might concern you if they don't like the same stuff. Teenager girls, like every human, have their own preferences and choices. What might appear a fantasy to one, could be the other’s nightmare. One might like to have subtle colors and neutral palettes, while others could be into bright walls and printed curtains or she might have a fascination for dark and edgier tones. 

Realizing and acknowledging the diverse range of tastes teenage girls have, Construction Company in Islamabad has tried to come up with furniture and construction items to realize every girl’s dream. 

If you are curious to know what you can do to meet the requirements of your girl, then pay attention to this blog. As we have collected some coolest bedroom ideas that will instantly make your teenage daughter fall in love with it.


  1. Pink Can Be Cool

Most of the teenage girls in the modern age have started to detest the colour pink. We cannot blame them, because the shocking pinks have ruled every girlish item for so many years. Yet a bit of improvisation goes a long way. 

If your daughter is into feminine style, you can paint her walls with subtle blush pink. Blush pink is the most elegant and underrated shades of pink, that make things look feminine but not overtly girlish. 

You can pair the elegant and subtle pink walls with a huge oval-shaped mirror and a luxurious looking bed. Putting a small white ladder on the corner would give the room the necessary oomph. Furthermore, a white colored bookshelf can be added to give the bedroom and endless appeal.


  1. Sprinkle Some Wanderlust

If your girl has an adventurer in her, you can surprise her by decorating a room that compliments her wanderlust. 

All you need to do is get a wooden map or just a regular map with brown wallpaper behind. Then put the Polaroid shots from her expeditions or the places she dreams to visit. To make the entire look come together, you can get some vintage looking suitcases to put beside her bed and some antique-looking decoration pieces. You don't have to overdo this room and make it look like a museum. Contemporary items like beds and a side table can be added, but be clever to not ruin the theme you are going for.


  1. Give The Flash Of Color

There is hardly any teenager who is not drawn to flashy colors, though adding bright colors can understandably be a bit intimidating. As shocking, bright colors need bright and smart ideas to make a bedroom energetic yet comfortable. For instance, you can put bright orange or coral pink with the combination of white pristine walls and furniture. To make the space look cozy and livable, you can put a lamp and some fairy lights. Furthermore, there are stuff toys for grown-ups as well. You can buy one that looks decent and put on the bed to finish the look.


  1. For a moody one 

If your teenage girl keeps transforming from being the sweetest princess to an angsty Goth queen, don't panic as, during this phase, she is swimming in hormones.

For a teenage girl, whose taste keeps changing and who easily gets bored with monotony, create a space for her that can easily be adjusted to different versions of her. 

You should go safe and minimalistic with furniture walls as much as possible. Since, then it will be easy for you and her to change the look by just changing bedspreads, cushions and mattes. 

Minimalistic and classic furniture would also make the room look less cluttered. Make sure the room is airy and sunny to fill the sense of comfort a bedroom needs.

  1. Let her post what she likes

It is understandably annoying as a parent, to see their teenagers ruining the walls by posters and cut-outs from magazines. However, you can make peace with her by hanging the kind of frames that go with the theme of her bedroom, so she can put whatever she fancies in her room without disrupting the theme.

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hasnain shah alam

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hasnain shah alam
Joined: December 9th, 2020
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