Guide For Amputation Compensations

Posted by hasnain shah alam on December 28th, 2020

How Much Compensation Can You Get For Amputation?

The compensation money you get for amputation varies, and this mostly depends on the type of amputation or suffering you have experienced. Moreover, the degree of your financial losses, such as loss of savings and earnings is also taken into account. If you, or someone you know, has been unfortunate enough to lose both of their legs, in such cases the amputation claim awards can go up to £2 million. 

The compensation money basically depends on the extent of pain and loss of amenity you have experienced. The purpose of this compensation money is to recover all the expenses you have incurred and the costs you will bear in near future as well. Continue reading to learn more about amputation compensation claims.

There is no objective answer to how much compensation you will get because every amputation claim is different. The best approach is to get in touch with professional, personal injury solicitors in Scotland. These solicitors will properly evaluate your case and let you know about the judicial guidelines. In most cases, these are the amputations people claim for:

  • Loss of finger or thumb

  • Loss of one foot or hand

  • Both feet or hands

  • Loss of one leg, arm, or elbow

  • Both legs or both arms 

Your personal injury solicitor will follow the complete process to ascertain what amount you should obtain. They will calculate the financial losses you have incurred and they will also estimate the future losses you will go through. Even though there is no certain answer to this, but this could mean:

  • You can be awarded between £150,000 to £250,000 in the most severe amputation claims, which comes in the category of general damages. 

  • If it’s a moderately severe amputation claim, the award could be somewhere in between £70,000 to £200,000 in general damages. The final settlement could go up to 1 million, if the financial losses are taken into account.

  • For moderate amputation clams, the highest amount of award you could get is £500,000.

Severe amputation claims are those in which a person loses both of their legs or arms. Moderately severe claims might be one where a person loses one or both hands, whereas moderate claims include amputations below the elbow. 

The Pain And Suffering

Once you opt to go for a personal injury claim, you will be compensated for the pain, suffering, and loss of amenities you have gone through. As for amputation cases, this compensation is relatively more than other types of claims. 

Getting a limb removed from the body does not take away all the pain, because there are several cases of people who undergo amputation surgeries and consequently, suffer from excruciating phantom limb pain or neuropathic pain, usually caused when the nerves are damaged. Infections are also common in such cases, and all these factors require continuous medical attention. 

Loss Of Amenity

General damages cover all the costs for your pain and suffering. These general damages include the loss of amenity you have experienced. Put simply, how your standard of living has been adversely impacted.

Amputations will definitely disrupt your daily routine activities and the way you live your life. Our personal injury lawyers will make sure you get the full amount of compensation that you deserve to help you live peacefully ahead. 

Financial Losses

Special damages cover all the financial losses and expenses you have incurred as a result of this accident. If your amputation has taken away your ability to walk, this will mean that you’d either work in a reduced capacity with lesser pay or maybe not work at all. You will also need help with carrying out house chores. 

Moreover, your home would need alterations as well so that it can accommodate you. This can be fairly expensive for you and your family. 

By submitting an amputation claim for compensation, you won’t only get the money you need in these difficult times, but you’ll also be able to access private medical treatments and support instantly. 

At Hamilton Douglas Legal, our solicitors are specialized in amputation claims and they will deal with your case on a no win no fee basis. Contact us today.

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hasnain shah alam

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hasnain shah alam
Joined: December 9th, 2020
Articles Posted: 38

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