Is there a way to improve website speed?

Posted by Laughton Creatves on December 29th, 2020

We know you must have spent thousands of dollars on creating the website and then running the marketing campaigns. But now if you are wondering on why you don’t see any effective results from these investments, then your website’s speed is one of the areas that needs to be looked into. 

Yes, you read that right. 

In fact, every second that goes into loading the website results in the loss of 1% from the business’s revenue. So, it is vital that you pick the best website designer to create a profitable Website Design in Toronto

But as there are various factors that result in poor loading speed. It is hard to offer the right solution. So, here is our list of tried and tested tricks that can aid in retaining the website’s speed. 

1- Utilize CDN:

Even though the internet has offered us with unique opportunities to reach new customers throughout the earth, but offering impressive user experience and web performance across the various continent isn’t easy. 

Luckily Content Delivery Network (CDN) is there to save our day. CDN assists in delivering your website across various servers located at a different location around the world. This way, the distance travelled by the information is reduced, boosting the loading speed of your site. 

2- Remove pop-ups:

You may think that pop-ups are a great way to tell customers about new product or services. Well, let us be honest, pop-ups can be downright irritating if arent placed carefully. Moreover, pop-ups take time to load, meaning they are adding a few more seconds on the loading speed. 

So, if possible, get rid of them. Or else, you can display a pop-up after a few minutes or so. 

3- Opt for image optimization:

One of the biggest reasons for slow loading is the visual content on your websites, like the images, motion graphics or even the video. 

Well, we aren’t saying to get rid of visual graphics, just take a few minutes to optimize them. There are various tools that can optimize or compress your visual content’s size without impacting the quality. 

4- Minimize redirects:

Every time a customer clicks on something, and it gets redirected, you are adding more seconds to the waiting time. On every click, the HTTP request-response cycle will be initiated, and the user will need to wait until it is completed.  

So, avoid redirecting and let the speed of your page improve considerably. 

Bottom line

Websites undergo various changes now and then to showcase the brand’s offering for the consumer. So, it is vital that you perform frequent audits to determine the website speed. 

But if you aren’t sure on how to make the updates suggested above then connect with professionals like Laughton Creatves. They offer the best Toronto Website Design services.

James Kevin is the author of this article. To know more about Branding Design Toronto please visit our website:

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Laughton Creatves

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Laughton Creatves
Joined: September 25th, 2020
Articles Posted: 15

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