Psychologically Speaking? Tips to Increase Social Media Engagement

Posted by rksingh24 on December 29th, 2020

Social media campaigns when done the right way is literally the only marketing effort you need to put in improve your brand repute and ultimately sales! The best way to build a successful campaign or even your social media posts is by understanding the psychology of your target audience. This is essential because through social media, your agenda isn’t just confined to selling, but rather engaging your audience. 

Human beings are emotional, which is why they always don’t think logically. Additionally, not all one them reflect the same amount of emotional tendencies, therefore there isn’t one set criteria for all target audience, particularly for social media. Only by understanding their needs and wants and working through it – is the way you can foster a lasting relationship with them. Buy Facebook page likes.

Luckily, some fundamental psychological triggers will come in handy while working on social media campaign regardless of the industry. 

Let’s discuss some interesting psychology tricks which might seem too basic in approach, but will surely enhance your social media campaign, like never before!

Color Psychology

An important piece of research found out that more than 85% of people pick a product depending on its color. It was long established that color instigates many psychological reflexes. However, are you aware that this tactic is used by brands all over the world and not just on social media? 

Following is a brief idea of what color triggers what kind of emotions in people and helps them in developing a certain perception about a brand, their services or products – 

  • Red – Anger, Immediacy Passion, Vitality, Romance

  • Purple – Intelligence, Royalty, Luxury

  • Yellow – Brightness, Joy, Happiness, Peace

  • Blue – Trustworthiness, Approachable, Soothing, Calm

  • Green – Freshness, Environment, Money, Beginning 

  • White – Cleanliness, Emptiness, Purity, Simplicity, Innocence

Color can play a significant part in communicating information, producing specific moods, and affecting the decisions people make.

Employing Color Psychology

Imagine the background colors when you click pictures for social media. Did you that ads in color are read 40% more compared to those than simply in black and white? Opt for optimum colors for your CTA button. Black, white, and brown are considered the most inappropriate whereas orange, red, and green are most suitable choices. Therefore, even if your CTA on social media can’t be clicked, it’s still a nice idea to accentuate the CTA messages in the apt color.


When we're offered something – a gift, a compliment, or attention in any form – we inherently feel the need to do something in return as well. This is one of the reasons why a salesmen will offer you a pen prior to attempting to you to sign a contract. And this is the simple reason why you must always reach out to your audience and make them feel like they are a part of something and that they belong. So, picking up on small yet meaningful conversations with them, will surely help them feel more related with you, and offer more engagement in return.

You must always target to offer things – big or small to your fan following, chances are they’ll talk about this with their friends and family too. This will be just the right thing which stimulates the feeling of reciprocating something back – like engaging in your social media for more! Buy Instagram page likes

Words Stimulate Action

After making your first call to action with a picture, it’s essential to concentrate on the description as well. The law of attraction says that “vibe attracts tribe” so begin your description with words you think that the people want or like to listen. Some words which generally work well are who, what, when, where, why and how. These words instigate an emotional response which quickly gets a person’s attention. You can also try these trigger words to engage your audience.

Think precisely about each characteristic of your social media posts, even the images, your implementation of brand colors and the descriptions. The above-mentioned techniques will surely help you associate with your followers on an emotional level and spark up relevant conversations. Buy YouTube Subscribers.

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