Impact of Smart Phones and Social Media in a Relationship

Posted by Cupid Knot on December 30th, 2020

mpact of Smart Phones and Social Media in a Relationship

Our smartphone has become so essential part of our existence that we are building our potential relationships over the phone. The mushrooming growth of numerous trusted and genuine matrimonial sites in India in itself is an indication of our craze for being online.

Smartphones indeed made us smart but somewhere we lost our emotional apathy. We curated our virtual world and found a shelter there whenever this real-life seemed exhausting. Of all the good things that a smartphone and social media bring to our lives, it snatches from us the intricacies of relationships.

Here are some of the scientifically proven ways of the impact of smartphones and social media on relationships.

1. Our addiction has led us to ignore our partners.

You see, it is not completely bad to make use of social media. But as we all know overuse of anything is dangerous. Do you recall the last time when you went to bed before checking on social media? To the top, we wake up with a notification on our phones.

Now when you make use of your smartphone for checking your social media now and then even while spending time with your near dear ones or your partner, they tend to feel neglected. They come into a sense of believing that somewhere their presence itself is not enough for you. Could there be any worse feeling than that?

2. You enter into a constant state of comparison.

Life isn’t always as peachy and gay as it seems on social media. When you make overuse social media, you start comparing your relationship with happy couple stories posted on your Instagram.

You live in a constant state of comparison which further leads to jealousy, despair, and unhappiness in a relationship. Stress due to social media is a real thing and should not be ignored. 

3. It becomes your shelter to avoid problems.

Social media becomes a magical world for you and you find its shelter to avoid critical discussions. Instead of arguing and finding solutions to your relationship you find your way towards distraction. And Social media or say in general smartphones works as exceptional distractors temporarily. The line between reality and the virtual world seems to be diminishing and it is harmful to your relationship.

4. Pause in communication.

When the partners in a relationship begin finding the use of social media more convenient than talking with their partners, the relationship sinks to the bottom.  We, humans, are easily distracted and social media indeed is the best distraction.

The thread of relationship is strengthened through communication. Lack of it would lead to relationship failure. There is no doubt to the fact that smartphones have an impact on relationships. And the best way of not letting it affect you is by setting the terms of its use. Confused? Well, all I mean is know when to turn off these nasty devices and concentrate on your relationship.

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Read more about marriage and relationships on our blogs. Visit Cupid Knot to find more interesting reads. 

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Cupid Knot
Joined: November 27th, 2020
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