California Wins Small Government Fight to Legalize Medical Marijuana

Posted by Berkeley Patients Group on December 30th, 2020

Are you looking to learn how to legally legalize medical marijuana in California? One option out there is to form an organization called the California Marijuana Consumer's Association. Forming a group of like-minded people ready to help each other is a great way to grow a successful campaign to legalize medical marijuana in California. However, before one spends their time helping fellow patients get legalized; they must first learn what they are doing and the ins and outs of marijuana possession in California. Since Californian law enforcement still views marijuana as a criminal offense, forming a group could get you into serious legal trouble, depending on how you actually do it. Keep reading for some tips on how to form your own group without breaking any laws!

The first time a medical marijuana initiative appeared on the presidential ballot was in California in 2020 when voters rejected Proposition 19 by a vote of 53 percent to 47 percent. Since that time, voters in eighteen states have voted on 62 different marijuana-related initiatives. Of those initiatives, not all have been marijuana legalization initiatives; some have been measures regarding the legalization of medical marijuana, some are related to regulating marijuana like sales and taxation, and others are meant to ban the entire practice. Since California is the only state to have implemented an outright legalization initiative, it is believed to be the model for the future of marijuana legislation throughout the United States. However, since voters rejected the proposition three times, no official efforts to legalize recreational marijuana have been taken up by the state government.

So how can you organize a group that will help you legalize medical marijuana in California without breaking any laws? One solution is to start a grassroots organization. Grassroots campaigns are not registered as lobbying groups and therefore cannot lobby against or support any particular legislation. Grassroots organizations have an inbuilt structure that allows them to build an infrastructure consisting of volunteers called organizers, coordinators, and volunteers who will work on a community-wide basis to pass out petitions, collect money, and gather support from the people in their area. This campaign in California was organized by dispensary owners who were tired of the state government preventing them from legally distributing medicinal marijuana.

If you're going to use marijuana recreationally, it is essential that your intended use becomes recognized by the authorities. Despite the fact that California is the first state to legalize medical marijuana, it has not yet become illegal to use marijuana for non-medical purposes. Although using marijuana recreationally is against the law, there are still other legal uses for the plant. Because California is the first state to legally legalize medical marijuana, patients can obtain and use marijuana under a doctor's supervision. Recreational users must also register with the state to purchase and possess cannabis.

The Proponents of legalization argue that California is a state with vast medical and social resources that can help treat a wide variety of diseases and improve the quality of life for all its citizens. However, the opponents of Prop. 47 say that although the initiative makes it legal to use marijuana for medicinal purposes, it may become easier for teens to consume cannabis, which will inevitably lead to an increase in marijuana use among adults. One of the proposed approved ballot measures to legalize medical marijuana in California would allow patients to grow two marijuana plants inside their homes for personal consumption. Patients would be allowed to cultivate three marijuana plants outside their homes only.

According to the latest California voter poll, if voters pass laws to legalize medical marijuana in California, at least five additional states could join the bandwagon. Fourteen states have already legalized medical cannabis oil for ingestion, administration, and distribution. Twenty-three states have pending legislation to legalize it, according to the voters. At this point, it looks like at least 35 states will have passed laws legalizing some form of cannabis oil by 2020.

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Berkeley Patients Group

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Berkeley Patients Group
Joined: December 11th, 2020
Articles Posted: 5

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