Simple Dental Care Tips for Strong and Healthy Teeth

Posted by johnnlee on June 11th, 2014

We normally assume that our teeth will always be there until we are confronted with dental problems that threaten the extraction of the tooth. This is the moment we realize that we ought to have taken more care of our teeth than just gliding toothbrush and then rinsing out with water. With proper care of our oral health, we can prevent most of the dental conditions which might force us to consider restorative dentistry Green Bay. Here are some simple tips which will enable us to have strong and healthy teeth at all the times.

Take foods rich in calcium

Our teeth are made of calcium. Taking foods rich in calcium will add to the calcium deposits of the teeth and make them stronger and healthier. Lack of calcium will lead to weaker teeth which are prone to disintegration and when this happens, the patient may need to fit dental crowns Green Bay to protect the teeth and enhance their strength.

Avoid sugary foods

Sugary foods will result in the formation of acids within the mouth and this can lead to the erosion of the tooth. Besides, sugar will provide an ideal substrate for the bacteria residing in the mouth to produce plaque. This can lead to more severe conditions such as gingivitis hence sugary foods should be avoided as much as possible.

Encourage the production of saliva

Saliva is known to be very good at fighting bacteria present in our mouths. Taking foods that encourage the production of saliva will help in protecting the mouth against harmful bacteria that may result in a number of dental problems. Such foods include cherries, lemons, lime and cranberries.

Brush your teeth twice a day

This has been said many times but we need to brush our teeth after each and every meal and if this is not possible for some of us, then we need to brush and floss the teeth at least two times daily. It is also a good practice to rinse out the mouth with a mouth wash after every meal. Doing these make us not to worry about dental crowns Green Bay because our teeth will be stronger and less prone to breakages which might warrant the need for dental crowns.

In addition to all these, we also need to take diets rich in vitamin C as this is essential in preventing a lot of gum disease. Gum diseases are usually the top reasons for restorative dentistry Green Bay as they usually destroy the gums making it not to have the strength to hold the teeth in position.

For more information about dental crowns Green Bay please visit at

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