
Posted by Kingsway Hospitals-The Best Multispecialty hospital on January 1st, 2021

Hypertension is more commonly known as high blood pressure. It occurs when the force of the flow of the blood in the arteries puts pressure on the artery walls. It can cause serious health problems and puts one at a higher risk for stroke, heart disease, heart attack, and kidney failure.

Hypertension is said to be a silent killer. Many patients don't have any symptoms, which makes it very important to have the blood pressure checked regularly.

Some people may experience headaches, nosebleeds, or shortness of breath once the blood pressure has reached a dangerously high level over a period of time.

There are many factors that cause hypertension like inappropriate lifestyle, unhealthy diet, medicine with side effects, and genetics.

Hypertension can be diagnosed with a blood pressure monitor. Always check your blood pressure with the professional to get the right consultation in time.

Hypertension can be a result of a high intake of salt, chronic conditions such as kidney and hormone problems, diabetes, and high cholesterol, high blood pressure family history, lack of physical exercise, old age, overweight, stress, or excess intake of tobacco or alcohol.

The best way to avoid hypertension is to adopt a better and healthier lifestyle. Lose weight, stop smoking, eat healthy, exercise regularly, lower the salt and alcohol consumption, & practice mind relaxation.

In the case of hypertension, always consult a doctor for a prescription. Get used to regular blood pressure checks. Visit the doctor regularly.

Kingsway Hospitals are all set for your health treatment and to make you feel better. This Hypertension day lets takes a few steps to get the best hypertension treatment from home by making healthy life choices.

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Kingsway Hospitals-The Best Multispecialty hospital

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Kingsway Hospitals-The Best Multispecialty hospital
Joined: September 4th, 2020
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