4 Workout Bad Habits We Should All Stop in the New Year

Posted by Reebok on January 2nd, 2021

Habits can lay the groundwork for our success. When things become a habit, they become automatic. In the fitness world, we often think of our best habits, such as waking up early, eating right, training consistently and saying “yes” to any challenge. But what about your bad habits? You might have more than you think, as we often like to overlook seemingly minor bad habits that could add up in the long run. If you’re like most, you might have at least a couple of these bad habits. Let’s make this next year the year we finally break them.

Being Too Hard on Yourself

Achieving athletic greatness isn’t always pretty. Sure, people on the outside see our greatest triumphs and our gleeful expressions, but before the race is run or the PR is achieved, there are countless hours of grueling training. With that being said, even the best athletes on the planet could go a little easier on themselves. There’s a fine line between holding yourself accountable and being your harshest critic in the worst way possible. Ask yourself if you know the difference and aim to provide yourself with more constructive criticism this year and less venom when you come up short in training or competition.

Not Taking Rest Days

A great training habit is working out nearly every day and following a strict regimen. A bad training habit is never taking a day off to recover and rejuvenate. Rest days are critical to long-term success and we’re all guilty of neglecting them. Even when we plan to rest and recover, our gym shoes stare from across the room, demanding that we get up and get to it. This year, aim to treat rest and recovery as seriously as you do actual training. Rest days don’t need to be lazy days either. Go for a long walk, stretch out or take a relaxing bath.

Not Switching Things Up

Consistency is key to results, but what if you’ve been essentially running in place because every new goal you set has to do with running faster? There’s a whole world of fitness out there and the best athletes will cross train to gain a little from everything. Switch things up and break out of your comfort zone. You just might learn to love a different routine or activity.

Ignoring Obvious Limitations

Chances are, there’s something that’s holding you back from being your best. It might be lacking a nutritional plan or rocking the wrong shoes for the workout routine. If you’ve been sweeping something under the rug for far too long, face the limitation and do something about it. Iron out the details in your nutritional plan, upgrade your workout clothes for men and women or whatever it takes. Make this the year you reach your full potential.

About Reebok

The Reebok brand has represented style, performance and innovation for decades. Reebok is the brand of choice for so many everyday athletes and professionals thanks to their wide selection of workout clothes for women and men in addition to their innovative footwear line. On the Reebok website, you can shop a variety of legacy designs in addition to new styles pushing the boundaries of performance. From sports bras to track pants, gym shorts and much more, Reebok has your apparel needs covered from head to toe. Beyond that, Reebok’s footwear will help you stay light on your feet, grounded for big lifts or comfortable during everyday errands, depending on the model. From whiteshoes for cross training to dynamic pink running shoes, Reebok offers footwear for you to perform at your best doing whatever it is you do best. Shop the full Reebok selection today.

Break your bad habits and gear up for the New Year with Reebok at https://www.reebok.com/us

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3pxzezg

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Joined: December 24th, 2019
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