A Productive Rant About how to make money on the side reddit

Posted by Lippard on January 6th, 2021

Ways to make money online, search for it and you'll find hunderds of them. Some are legitimate and real methods for making money online and others are scams and get rich quick schemes. Earning money online takes hard work and consistency. But, if you are willing to put enough time and effort into it, there are number of ways you can use the internet to make extra money.

Here are SOME ways to make money online:

Making Money with Affiliate ProgramsThis is by far the best way to make money online, at least in my opinion. You are basically selling other people's stuff for a commission. You can find digital products like e-books and short reports to promote on sites like ClickBank and Rocket CPA , Vcommission.

Earn Money Designing WebsitesIf you are good at it, why not make money doing so? There are even free softwares such as Kompozer that you can use to design and build nice looking website without any knowledge of html. Use webmaster related forums like WarriorForum and DigitalPoints to find buyers.

Earn Money Doing Directory SubmissionIn order for a website or blog to be successful and make money, it needs traffic. There are many ways to work on traffic. One way is to submit your site to website directories. But, many webmaster and blogger are busy with other aspects of running a site, so they don't have time to do this. That's where you can come in, and offer to submit their site to directories for a fee. Use forums like SitePoints and DigitalPoint to offer your service to webmasters.

Make Money with a Niche DirectoryYou have seen those directory sites that have a list of specific sites in different categories. Set up one for yourself. Gather a list of site and sources related to a specific niche, and list them on your site. Sell ad space to other webmasters. You can charge a monthly fee to have their ads shown on your site. BuySellAds.com is a good place to look for potential customers.

Make Money BloggingBlogging is becoming increasingly popular. You can set up a blog in less than an hour. There are many free blogging platforms you can use at first. When you get comfortable, then pay for your own hosting and domain name. You can blog about anything you like, no matter how bizarre and unusual you may think it is. There is always an audience out ether. You can make money with your blog, showing ads on your blog using advertising programs.

Make Money Posting On ForumsPeople who start a new forums often pay people to post on their forums, so it will look active, therefore attracts more people to join the discussion. Many forums will pay up to --content--.25 per post, which can be just a sentence or two. Again you can use established forums to find people who are looking for forum posters.

Ads On ForumsIf you like participating in forums or are already a member of any forum, look for "ad share" sign in your user CP. Some forums offer a percentage of their earnings from ads, with their members.

Make Money with Your Own Search EngineUse Google to build your own custom search engine. Build a search engine for a specific topic like a search engine just for finding information related to music or what have you. To get it going, set up contests for searchers, and give a prize to the biggest searcher. You make your money when people search from your search engine and click on ads.

Make Money Freelance Writing OnlineOne of the most popular ways to make money online is freelance writing. You don't need any money to invest, there is no need to own a website, (although having one helps) and best of all, you can make quick money. In most cases you get paid the same day you finish working on the project. There are tons of places online you can offer your writings. There are even some websites that pay you for writing exclusive content for them.

Make Money with CPACPA is a much easier version of affiliate marketing, which most of the time you don't have to sell anything. You just have to send leads to advertisers site. For example, some Advertiser will pay you up to , each time you send a lead to there page where the person enters an email address or a zip code in order to participate in a survey to win something. Although to get accepted by CPA networks you have to have a website or a blog, you don't need a website or blog to make money as a CPA affiliate.

They are not to be looked at as long term work at home business plans. Although, a few of them, like making money on ebay and making money with affiliate programs do provide fantastic work at home opportunities and are revered by many internet marketers as some of the bestways to make money online.

Affiliate marketing sounds like a lucrative business model with low capital to start. There are many marketplaces to join affiliate programs such as Clickbank and Jvzoo. Marketers are spoiled for choices as more and more merchants try to attract marketers to promote their product or service. But once you join a program, the difficult part has only just begun. Now you have to drive traffic to your link and this is where most people are struggling. The million dollar question is how to generate quality targeted traffic to click on your link that will resulted in opt-in or sales conversion.

Below are the four most proven methods to effectively promote your affiliate link:

1. Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising

One of the easiest way to generate quality targeted traffic to your affiliate offer is by advertising using search engine platform such as Google Ads or Bing Ads. This is a much faster method compared to create a SEO friendly website and wait for it to rank high on search engine. By paying some advertisement fee to those search engine platforms, your website will be automatically boosted into the first page and gain tons of viewers in matter of days.

PPC is also very effective because it based on keyword search. Therefore, those people who search based on certain keywords have already had certain interest in the niche market that you are offering. The probability they are clicking and buying your offer is pretty high as long as you know how to find correct keywords, create appealing ads and provide them with good sales letter.

2. Email Solo Ads Advertising

This is by far my favorite method in driving leads. This method works well with capture page that entice visitors to provide email address in exchange for some free items you are offering. By getting their email leads, you will be able to follow up with them consistently and send your affiliate link inside your email multiple hobbies that make money reddit times.

The key is to find a good solo ads vendor that already has targeted subscribers list in a certain niche. This method could drive result fast and cost very cheap compared to other advertising methods.

3. Blogging

Theidea for blogging is to gather fans and followers to your blog site. A good blogger has to build trust and credibility in front of readers eyes. Once people like you and your blog content, it is much easier to promote your offer (affiliate link) and entice people to take a look of what you have to say about certain product/service in your expertise niche.

4. Social Media Advertising

Social media is very popular nowadays. More and more people get hooked to browse on facebook, youtube, or instagram everyday. By taking advantage of their advertising platform, you could display your offers to million of viewers. Social media platform such as Facebook allow you to target your ads to only specific group of viewers based on certain demographics and interest profile, means you will only show your ads to a very targeted group of people whom have higher chance of sales conversion. This is why social media advertising is one of the most effective way to generate quality targeted traffic.

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Joined: January 6th, 2021
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