What causes keratoconus to make worse?

Posted by Hvass Nguyen on January 7th, 2021

Keratoconus is a title given to a certain eye problem, one that is rather unique in its appearance and in the issues that it causes. It's known as keratoconus, and this is the medical term for what it is - the eyeball with its keratoconus (or cornea) being elongated (as in an optical illusion), creating an issue where light cannot be correctly focused on the retina. For many individuals with keratoconus, this can be a purely cosmetic issue; for many others, however, this can be a real handicap. This is especially the case with drivers, pilots, and other individuals who need to see clearly in their day to day actions and in certain circumstances. While keratoconus is not a debilitating disease generally, in those who do suffer with keratoconus symptoms, it can be quite frustrating to have such a serious eye condition and also to find that there's not any treatment that will make it go away.

So how can one know if they are experiencing keratoconus symptoms? The first step is to understand exactly what they are, how they happen, and how they could influence the ability to determine. If you're experiencing any of the next keratoconus symptoms, you need to realize your doctor immediately. First, the symptoms themselves are rather easy to recognize. They comprise:

Blurred Vision - even from the first phases when keratoconus symptoms continue to be mild, some people may experience slightly blurred vision at night. Sometimes, the eye may even be less sensitive to light. This implies that at times, light might be somewhat brighter than normal; however, there's no pain associated with the blurry vision. This does not, however, mean that you can't observe normal jobs at nighttime. Keratoconus, though, generally makes seeing harder than in the first stages of the condition.

In many cases, these symptoms may go away on their own, with no medical treatment. In other cases, the condition might have to be medicated through any number of medical procedures, such as: LASIK eye surgery, corneal transplant operation, or cataract surgery. No matter which type of keratoconus you have problems with, you should never take eye problems for granted. It can have a huge impact on your quality of life, and you should be certain to get proper treatment from an experienced doctor whenever possible.

read here to get more information about cheratocono sintomi (keratoconus symptoms).

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Hvass Nguyen

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Hvass Nguyen
Joined: January 2nd, 2021
Articles Posted: 132

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