The Necessary Vitamins for Children

Posted by FrankieBuckley on January 7th, 2021

Vitamins for Kids

How often a child becomes ill is determined by innate immunity, but adequate amounts of vitamins, trace elements and minerals, sports activities, fresh air, sleep and a positive microclimate at home can significantly improve immunity and help prevent disease. What vitamins for children to take in the fall, whether it is possible to provide the required amount of vitamins with food, what are the reasons for the lack of vitamins and what are the signs.

Do children need to take extra vitamins in the fall as well?

Autumn is the richest time of the year, when delicious and healthy natural gifts are generously available. At the beginning of the new school year in school or kindergarten, children's physical and emotional load usually increases, so a balanced and vitamin-rich diet is especially important. By including enough local fruits, berries and vegetables in the menu, the body will receive the necessary nutrients. However, when the sun starts to heat less and the days become shorter, you should start thinking about using fish oil. Good fatty acids will help the body produce vitamin D. This will improve immunity, ward off viruses and colds, and improve the memory and concentration skills needed during school.

What is the cause of vitamin deficiency?

The most common stumbling blocks are a menu that does not correspond to age, growth rate, daily rhythm and amount of physical activity. To make sure that the child's body receives all the necessary nutrients and vitamins, it is recommended to analyze the child's menu and make sure that it contains not only enough fruits, berries and vegetables, but also cereals, dairy products, eggs, meat, fish and valuable fats. Unfortunately, often a child's real menu does not correspond to what is desired due to eating habits, allergies and intolerance of various foods. In this case, the possibility of improving the menu and, in consultation with your doctor or pharmacist, taking the missing vitamins should be considered. Insufficient amounts of nutrients also tend to become relevant with the start of kindergarten, especially if the period of "picky eater" is expressed. If it lasts, the required amount of nutrients can be taken with a vitamin complex for children of the appropriate age. Balanced vitamins with minerals, as well as added plant extracts, will stimulate immunity and ensure normal development, ”says the pharmacist.

This team of Hiya vitamins review is likewise involved in bring in red cell, which hold oxygen throughout your body. Every part of your physical body needs air to function adequately, so these B vitamins possess a truly necessary project.

Which vitamins are most often lacking in children?

Vitamin D, vitamin C and iron deficiency are most commonly seen in children. Vitamin D deficiency is facilitated by the modern tendency to spend more and more time indoors at the screens of various devices, rather than outdoors, where the body synthesizes vitamin D in the sun's rays. Vitamin D can also be taken by eating fish, but it is usually rare in children's diets. On the other hand, iron deficiency could be explained by insufficient or low-quality intake of products of animal origin, but vitamin C deficiency is caused by too low consumption of fruits and vegetables.

What are the signs that a child is deficient in vitamins?

In situations where changes in the child's body and behavior are observed, special attention should be paid to the daily intake of vitamins - it is very likely that the reason is a lack of vitamins.

The B vitamins are vital in metabolic task-- this suggests that they help create energy and specified it free of cost when your body requires it. The following opportunity you are actually managing to 3rd base, give thanks to those vitamin.

Unexplained fatigue - may indicate a lack of vitamin D.

Paleness and dizziness - lack of iron in the body.

Severe tooth decay - calcium, fluoride deficiency.

Difficult to concentrate - lack of B vitamins.

Problems fall asleep, seizures - lack of magnesium.

Dry skin, itching - vitamin A, zinc deficiency.

What fruits, berries and vegetables to use in the fall?

Autumn is the best time to strengthen the body and eat seasonal, so valuable local fruits, berries and vegetables. They will provide the body with the necessary amount of vitamins, trace elements and minerals, improve well-being and strengthen immunity. Seasonal products to be eaten:

Vitamins for Kids

Apples - for brain function.

Lingonberries - for immunity.

Cranberries - for protection against various infections.

Carrots - eyes.

Radish - against infections and the digestive system.

Beets - a source of iron.

Sea buckthorn - a real vitamin elixir, a powerful antioxidant.

Pumpkins - to improve metabolism.

Cabbage - a source of vitamin C.

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