What Are Dental Veneers

Posted by Wael Kanaan on January 8th, 2021

Veneers are wafer-thin shells that go over your teeth to give them a new appearance. This procedure can be used to solve simple spacing issues, fixed a chipped tooth, worn down teeth, and even give you a bright white smile. Dental Veneers are a great way to get the perfect smile that you have always wanted. 

Veneers are great alternatives to dental crowns. The tooth preparation is more minimal than a crown and the process is quick and easy. Veneers are strong, durable, and can drastically improve the cosmetic look of your teeth. Severely discolored teeth that will not work with whitening treatments are common candidates for Veneers. 

What Is The Process For Veneers?

The cosmetic dentist will carefully examine your teeth visually and with a series of X-Rays. He will then map out the best size, color, and shape to give you the best possible smile. A small amount of tooth structure will be removed to ensure that the veneer fits just right. Tooth preparation is limited to the enamel only removing a few surfaces of the tooth, unlike a crown or cap. 

What Are The Common Uses Of Veneers

  • Veneers will help to match the size of smaller or bigger teeth.              
  • Veneers help in matching the color of your other teeth or whitening all your teeth.
  • They also can help to straighten slightly crooked teeth if the bite is perfect to avoid using braces.                          
  • Fixing broken chipped teeth. 

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Wael Kanaan

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Wael Kanaan
Joined: January 27th, 2020
Articles Posted: 10

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