Reasons Why should You Consider Installing Cork Underlayment?
Posted by GeorgeVelvet on July 15th, 2014
When it comes to choosing an underlayment for your floor, it is very important to make sure it is durable and matches with the needs of the top tile. Choosing cork underlayment for your room is simply the perfect solution. This is because of the several remarkable features they have such as, resiliency, versatility and durability. Additionally, they can be easily installed just by stapling, nailing and gluing. However, the cost of installing cork floor along with cork base can be a bit costly, but this can provide you long-term benefit as they are durable and requires less maintenance.
Cork underlayment has been on the market for a long time and is likely to continue being one of the best in the near future. This underlayment works as a protective shock-absorber that prevents the top tiling from cracks or streaks because of the pressure exerted by heavy items on the ground surface. However, corks are made from the bark of oak tree and as you know this tree can live for over two hundred years, they are therefore referred to as renewable resource. Cork is very durable and contains a waxy element that keep it going even after being exposed to any kind of liquids.
Some facts about cork underlayment
Harvested from cork oak tree, the corks are usually a very light-weight compound, which can be renewed by using the method of harvesting or collecting from the sources without harming the plant. Being water-resistant and an air-trapped structure, they form just the perfect characteristic of being a good and durable base underlayment. Besides, they are very versatile and give a tough competition to all other underlayment used in commercial complexes and domestic establishment. The best part about cork floor and underlayment is that they are highly economical in the sense that they require low maintenance and are long lasting.
Below mentioned a list of their several uses and functions:
• They are usually used as solid underlayment for the top tiling made of hardwood or that are laminated.
• Also, they are popularly used to develop elevations on the sub floor in order to improve the height of a particular area or a room.
• Plus, they are perfect to be used as vibration or sound insulator on the ground and also as a temperature insulator.
• They absorb pressure from varied heavy items like furniture and they offer a great support to people’s weight by decreasing the pressure exerted by your feet.
• They are also used to make the imperfect surfaces of top layers even.
Considering the multiple jobs a cork underlayment does, you can consider installing them as the base to your top tiling. However, when it comes to the maintenance of this underlayment, it is suggested to follow the recommendations of the suppliers. Dealing with this type of units, they know it well as how to keep this type of flooring or underlayment going for long. To find more about these units, you can look onto the web.
Willing to set up cork underlayment? Contact us as we can assist installing cork floor and underlayment.