How to Confirm That a Mattress is Certified Organic

Posted by TheOrganicMattressStore on July 18th, 2014

Authenticity is one of the major factors to consider when shopping for organic mattresses. You wouldn’t want to compromise safety and quality just to get a cheaper price.  Buying organic mattresses from reputable vendors can help guarantee authenticity, but if you want to be extra careful, you need to look at two other factors:

(1)    The brand
(2)    Certifications.

Some of the best-known manufacturers of organic mattresses are WJ Southard, Royal Pedic, Cozy Pure, Green Sleep, Hearts of Vermont, and Shepherd's Dream. These brands boast certifications; for example, the organic mattresses of WJ Southard and Royal Pedic are compliant with the Federal Fire Law 1633. Royal Pedic is also certified in using 100% organic cotton.

Where you buy your mattress from is also very important. The following are some of the important certifications to look for in an organic mattress vendor:

1.    Oregon Tilth Wool certification – OTCO certifies that the store has complied with the applicable handling and organic production standards established by the Global Organic Textile Standard, version 1.1. There must be a link to the copy of the certification in the online store, or it must be clearly displayed in the actual store.

2.    National Organic Program – Together with the USDA, the National Organic Program or NOP guarantees that you are getting what you are paying for and that the information displayed in the online store about organic mattresses is correct. A reputable company trusts and follows the standards of NOP instead of Global Organic Textile Standards, which lowered its standards by allowing 30% recycled synthetic fibers in other textiles and cotton fabrics to be mixed in with 70% organic cotton. When the store follows NOP's standards, you can be sure that you are buying 100% organic cotton mattresses.

3.    Green America – The store must be a certified Green America business.

4.    Green Office certification – This certifies that the store is environmentally friendly by choosing to use organic carpets, blue jean insulation on walls, water-based paints, recycled desks, and other green solutions in their office.

5.    ARPICO Natural Dunlop Latex certification – Does the vendor make its own mattresses? Look for this certification to prove that the company sources its natural rubber from Malaysia and Sri Lanka. Rubber from those countries is superior.

Look for an organic mattress vendor that is a proud and existing member of the OTA (Organic Trade Association), a membership-based association of businesses in the organic industries in North America. OTA aims to protect and promote organic trade to benefit the public, farmers, the economy, and the environment.

About the Company:-
The Organic Mattress Store Inc. is a well known store in Pennsylvania which provides mattresses made up of 100% cotton, wool and natural rubber. Since 2004, they are the market leader in natural and organic mattresses. They have all big brands in their store like Green Sleep, Royal-Pedic, WJ Southard, Cozy-Pure etc.

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Joined: July 18th, 2014
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