Deadly Dreams by Christina Crooks

Posted by Vendelbo Macias on January 10th, 2021

DEATHLY Dreams is a powerful full-length, supernatural romance written by Christina Crooks. This entails a kick-ass heroine, lots of steamy sex scenes, and a fantastic plot that won't even keep you wondering. In fact, it takes place virtually in an alternate universe where pretty much human beings are only a tiny part of this amazing world. When your boyfriend asks you out one night, you don't just say yes because your friend's boyfriend told you; you take him to heaven instead, because he's more than twice as sexy as you.

When our heroine goes on her first date with her new boyfriend, she's determined not to make a fool of herself or allow herself to be distracted by the "new man." So when the restaurant finally does open for business, she dresses for success, puts on her showstopping red dress and walks into the restaurant in full view of her new partner. Unfortunately, her beautiful, killer stepsister attacked them a few minutes later, and is just moments away from killing them both. Just then, a mysterious stranger with questionable motives comes to their rescue, saving them both. But can Christina save her new life, or could this be the beginning of the end for her?

Romance novels are so fun to read because they give me that feeling that I'm just reading a book about two people who are in love. Usually, though, Romance Book Reviews - Read Romance Books for Halloween would never think such a thing. I read this one because it has a great heroine and a great storyline. If anything, it could possibly go wrong, but it doesn't. I would definitely recommend it to someone looking for a great read about two people who are in love.

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Vendelbo Macias

About the Author

Vendelbo Macias
Joined: January 9th, 2021
Articles Posted: 3

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