Twin Flames and Twin Souls - Is There a Difference?

Posted by Sheppard Herman on January 10th, 2021

Although meridian health protocol did in advance predetermine everything that we have discovered about our universe and ourselves, He kept this a secret from us. He never told us because He wanted to give us the Free Will to make our own joyous discoveries. In some respects, God provided the points on the map but He left it up to us to connect the dots and find the best routes through the maze of life. Often only one route turns out to be the right route in science but in life there is no one right route. We each have to travel our own path and make our own way with or without help. We live at a time when technology has provided the means for us to destroy ourselves. Can we blame God for the state of our world? Many say yes because God could easily interfere through His Omniscience, Omnipresence, and Omnipotence. However, isn't the ball in our court? Humankind as a whole broke our Covenant with God twenty-five hundred years ago when we destroyed God's investment in His only earthly material possession, Kings David and Solomon's First Temple in Jerusalem. The building of God's future Third Temple in the Messianic Age shall mark the restoration of the Covenant between man and God. We and God will then once again be together in a permanent merger as God was with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.Understanding God's Miracles and Human Miracles.

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Sheppard Herman

About the Author

Sheppard Herman
Joined: January 10th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1