How We See the Humanity Around Us and Spirituality

Posted by Brock Warren on January 10th, 2021

Gaia’s Protocol Review and particularly renowned way to balance the throat chakra is by singing. Even if you posses a less than intriguing voice, putting some favorite songs and singing along will help cleanse and balance your throat chakra. Better still, you can dance along those songs to balance your base chakra as well. Drinking water is such a simple way to cleanse and balance your throat chakra. Extremely simple exercises and daily task contribute to the overall balance such as; humming, drinking water, and singing are a few simple, yet effective exercise. More importantly, you have to control what you ingest from time to time as this helps balance this energy center and as with all chakras there are foods that resonate specifically with each one. An imbalanced throat can be a direct effect of the emotional baggage you store at your hips. Consequently, next time you get on your yoga mat, try some deep hip opening poses. While performing these poses, you should also pay attention to your throat, releasing any stress. Often at times, chakras are stimulated by a specific color. The color blue resonates with the throat chakra. Another balancing technique is to visualize a beautiful blue light at the core of your throat. With the blue color envisioned in your throat, you can inhale and exhale softly, each time trying to release the stress in your throat.

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Brock Warren

About the Author

Brock Warren
Joined: January 10th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1