A Course in Miracles SoundCloud Review

Posted by sagor on January 11th, 2021


Course in Miracles is an audio CD given by Father Alexios Chirac titled a course miracles. It is a book that uses the medium of voice recording to deliver spiritual messages. And in this case, it is the voice of the deceased. This kind of presentation of a course in Miracles is not very common. That is why most people tend to think that it is a rare holy message given by the one who passed away.

But that's not true at all. Courses in Miracles can be found in the Facebook pages and there are over four hundred thousand people who have liked the Facebook page of the audio CD. And the same thing with the twitter page - it has over five hundred thousand followers. These are very high numbers indeed!

So now, let us see what actually is a course in Miracles, and how the audio CD came about. The person who gave the book is a believer and a teacher of faith. He wanted to use the medium of voice recording in delivering a special message to a very devout group of people. So he used the words "I love you, Jesus", together with the name "Amen". He also added a keyword "Amen" for the Facebook page. There are actually many things you can do with the keywords "Amen" and "Love".

So now, the question comes - what are the best ways to use the keywords "Amen" and "Love"? In fact, the best way is to use them all the time. The miracle of course is that this miracle will happen instantly - by converting your Facebook page into a powerful sales page! And that is exactly what the audio CD does, converting your Facebook page into a sales page! That is a miracle in itself, and David Hofmeister does an excellent job of teaching you how to do it. More Details A course in miracles soundcloud

A Course in Miracles sound cloud is also an excellent resource for prayer requests. As mentioned above, you can record your own personal prayer request and then send it to the A Course in Miracles sound cloud. You can also use the keywords" Prayer"," prayer request", or just "request". This means that anytime a user requests another prayer, you will know exactly which prayer request they want. It is an easy process of converting the keywords into a prayer request!

There are many other great things that the author of A Course in Miracles has done. For example, he created a huge database of keywords that are related to your niche. If someone is searching for a product in your niche, you will know exactly which keywords they are using to find it. He also created a huge list of acim soundCloud keywords that are keyword relevant, so you can easily find products and services by targeting them with your specific keywords. If you want to take your online business to the next level, you have to seriously consider converting your Facebook page into a sales page, targeting your audience with the right keywords and converting them into paying customers!

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Joined: November 24th, 2020
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