A tiny URL has immense marketing powerPosted by RaynaJess on July 27th, 2014 There are different ways you can promote your business and social media marketing is one of the prominent ones. Social media marketing has wider reaching effects than traditional modes of marketing. This is because you can reach out to each and every part of the globe with your marketing activities. But mere visibility does not help you. You want people to visit your website. The best way to ensure this activity is through a tiny URL. It is so easy to shorten URLs that anyone can do it. There are multiple websites that can shorten URLs for you. But before you go about searching for these websites, you need to know why you need to have a tiny URL. The URL of your website may be small, but the URLs of the pages within your website may be long, very long. These URLs usually have strange looking characters that make the URL look Greek. And the total length of the URL could be in excess of 100 characters. Plain and simple – such a URL looks ugly. And when you post this URL in Facebook or Twitter, people just detest you. No one wants to click on such a large URL link because they are not sure that it’s not spam. But this large URL can be easily converted into a tiny URL where the number of characters is reduced to 22 or 23 at the most. When such a URL is posted on Facebook or Twitter, it looks professional and safe. And you have extra space available to post your message too. To shorten URLs, you need to visit one of the top tiny URL websites. Paste your URL in the space provided and a short URL will be created for it. You can now safely post this URL in your social media account. If you need to create brand awareness with your URL, you can also buy a short URL domain and customize it. These same websites can help you with the customization. The short URL will now look like a shortened version of your original URL and it will help create a brand image for your online business. The reason why you want social media marketing is visibility. As more people visit your posts and like them, they are likely to visit your website. One of the great benefits of social media marketing is that you can reach out to a targeted audience. But you need to make them visit your website or your landing page and this can only be done when your post has a link in it. And this link needs to look neat and professional. When you shorten URLs, you are able to create that professional look to your links and also create a favorable impression of your website. It is easy to shorten URLs and the service is free of cost. You only pay when you need a custom tiny URL. Try out this service and you will immediately see the benefits coming your way. A tiny URL may look tiny, but it can promote your business big time. And the best part is that you don’t need to pay when you want to shorten URLs. Like it? Share it!More by this author |