Amla juice – when bitter is better

Posted by Saahil khan on January 13th, 2021

Indian gooseberry amla is definitely and undeniably a powerhouse of nutrients. It is a source of vitamin C, which combats free radicals and comprised of iron and other nutrients. As a super food and a naturally enriched fruit, amla is revered for its health benefits. The translucent green fruit can protect us against countless ailments, be it cancer, infertility or the common cold. Ayurveda claims that amla can help the three doshas in the body and eliminate the underlying cause of many diseases. There can be many forms in which amla can be consumed one being in the form of juice.

If you are not already convinced, here are some of the incredible health benefits of drinking amla juice every day.

Cures sore throat and cold

Amla is known for its antiviral properties which improve the immune system of the body. When combined with ginger and honey amla juice acts as an excellent remedy in curing sore throat and cold. The vitamin c in amla is absorbed more easily by the body compared to store-bought supplements. Mix two teaspoons of amla powder with two teaspoons of honey and have it three-four times a day for instant relief when you have a cold or cough or consume daily for permanent protection.

Burns fat

This is one of the most underrated yet most exciting benefits of consuming amla juice. It has I higher level of amino acids that boosts metabolism which can lead to reducing fat accumulation in the body. A protein present in the amla helps prevent cravings too. Regular consumers say drinking a glass of amla juice before a meal fills them up and make them eat less. Amla has high fibre content and acids like tannic which help relieve constipation and make you look less bloated.

Beautifies hair

Amla likes, curry leaf is a proven tonic for hair. Amla helps slowing down graying, prevents dandruff, strengthens hair follicles, and increases blood circulation to the scalp and thus improving the hair growth. Amla also acts as a natural conditioner giving you soft and shimmering locks. You can mix amla powder in your henna pack that you apply on your hair or you can also apply amla oil on your hair directly.

Immunity booster

It is a rich source of dietary fibre and carbohydrates with just 60 calories per 100 grams. It also has nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin C, riboflavin and minerals like potassium, sodium, calcium, copper, zinc, magnesium and iron all of them help in boosting immunity. Amlas antibacterial and astringent properties boost ones immunity system. A significant number of health problems including cancer are caused by oxidative damage – when body cells use oxygen, they leave harmful by-products called free radicals behind.

Improves eyesight

Studies have shown that the carotene in amla improves vision. Daily consumption has also been linked to improvement in overall eye health as amla can reduce cataract problem, intraocular tension that is the pressure you feel as well as prevent reddening, watering of eyes and itching.

Drinking the amla juice is the best way to reap all these benefits. You can easily buy amla juice online. But if you can’t have amla juice you can always consume amla tablets. Make mala juice part of your diet and enjoy these benefits.

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Saahil khan

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Saahil khan
Joined: January 6th, 2020
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