17 Signs You Work With Nursing Care

Posted by Shane on January 13th, 2021

At Clemson Univerisity in South Carolina, nursing students from a community health nursing class are sent out into elementary schools to introduce the children to the world of healthcare. These students brought nursing to life by dressing up and acting like different organs in the body. One student hung a large heart drawing from his neck, apologized for not looking like a Valentine's Day heart, and proceeded to teach the children about heart healthy eating habits. Another student dressed as a kidney, and together with a partner, offered education on good habits and exercise. They even demonstrated how all the organs work as a team, to a chorus of giggles let out by the fifth graders. The Clemson students are striving to educate young children in an attempt to prevent more childhood obesity.

In Hammond, Indiana, nurse Tracy Tucker goes to work with her stethoscope, her lab coat, and her teddy bear. Tucker is a part of the Diabetes Educator Mentorship Program, created in 2011, and she helps educate children about their diabetes. Tucker was a school nurse for seven years before completing the 1,000 hours of work and volunteering it takes to become a certified diabetes educator, or a CDE. At one time, Tucker was 170 pounds overweight and nearing the point of Type 2 diabetes. She made some drastic life changes and decided to devote her time to helping others with diabetes learn how to manage and control their disease. So now she uses a stuffed teddy bear, named Rufus, to show children where to test blood sugar and where to inject insulin. She even has a stuffed fabric pancreas for a teaching tool.

In Virginia, Nurses Change Lives is doing just that. A part of the Virginia Partnership for Nursing, this education campaign is directed at children from elementary school all the way through high school and is basically pushing the idea that nursing is awesome and staying healthy is cool. They pinpoint their teaching tools to their age groups. For the kindergarten through third grade group, the have a nurse who zooms around on rocket shoes while telling a poem about a nurse who sent to Mars. For the older elementary through middle school children, nursing superhero's of the "Nurse Force" teach kids about the superpowers of healthcare. The high school students get the real message with a stark realization of how nurses save lives and the monetary appeal of nurse's high salaries.

The most important thing to remember when teaching kids about anything is to be creative and appeal to their senses and likes. Using theatre and silly props is almost always a great way to get a child's attention. The hard part is not getting their attention, but keeping it long enough for them to learn. How would you teach a child about nursing?

Canada is one of the most immigrant-friendly countries in the world, with well-defined policies to attract international workers with right Nursing Care Jobs set of skills and qualifications to settle in the country. The growing shortage of labour along with a developing economy has resulted in a huge number of job opportunities in Canada.

Canada is planning to solve this demand for labour by promoting skilled immigration to the country. Besides the job vacancies in Canada, it is the high quality of living in the country that makes the country an attractive destination for immigrants.

Though there are numerous job opportunities in Canada, knowing which are the most in demand in the country would help aspiring immigrants to plan ahead and acquire the training and work experience accordingly. We have listed some of the most in-demand occupations for 2020 so that the immigrants can know whether they can find job opportunities in Canada.

1. Registered Nurse

Nursing has the top place among the high-demand jobs and international nursing professionals have vast job opportunities. The major reason for the high demand for nurses in Canada is that many of the nurses currently working are fast approaching their retirement age. It can be translated into more job opportunities in Canada for international nursing professionals to replace the retiring workforce.

Another major factor that drives up the demand for Registered Nurses in Canada is the overall aging population of the country. The healthcare requirements of the elderly population are obviously higher compared to the young generation. As a result, more job opportunities in Canada are expected to open up for international nursing professionals .

2. Occupational or physiotherapy assistant

The elderly population of Canada is keen about leading a healthy life and the occupational and physiotherapy assistants help them in making that happen. The Canadian population is aging faster and Canada might need more occupational or physiotherapy assistants to meet the medical care needs of the elderly population. It will, in turn, result in more job opportunities in Canada for occupational and physiotherapy assistants.

3. Accountants

Canadian labour market data from the current year shows that accountant is the second most in-demand job. Canadian companies need competent accountants to manage their accounts and there are many job opportunities in Canada for accountants. The in-demand specializations within the accounting field are many, including payroll, payable and receivable accounts, taxes, government auditing etc. Having a certificate from the Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) increases the candidate's chances for landing in a well-paying accountant job in Canada.

4. Developer

Website developers, app developers and software developers have huge demand in the Canadian labour market. Canada's tech sector is growing fact and developers are one of the most in-demand professions in the country. It means a high number of job opportunities for developers. Though all types of developers have huge demand, those with knowledge in both front end and back end programming have more job vacancies in Canada.

5. Engineers

Engineering graduates with sufficient work experience are in high demand. Some of the most in-demand occupations in the engineering sector of Canada are electrical engineer, software engineer and aerospace engineer. Electrical engineers have huge demand in a number of fields ranging from energy to telecommunications. At the same time, Canadian companies require software engineers to generate and implement innovations that help them succeed in the competitive market. Aerospace engineers will also be in high demand in Canada and it is one of the most high-paying jobs.

You can check a Canada job search portal to know the demand for your profession. Our expert immigration consultants can help you better in finding out whether your occupation is in demand in Canada and which Canada immigration pathway is the most suited for you. Contact us for more information.

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Joined: January 12th, 2021
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