Exactly how we have actually enjoyed the advantages of modernity throughout the

Posted by Stucker on January 13th, 2021

The way that we specify our epoch is wrapped up in our conceptions of modernity, so what does that mean for us and for the future?

What is modernity? Although on the surface this may seem like a misleadingly basic concern, the more one considers it the harder it ends up being to respond to. Every moment since the Big Bang has actually been, by definition, contemporary, so one might quickly state that modernity is anything from the development of the first single-celled organisms on Earth 3.5 billion years back, to the development of the web in the around sixty years ago. Obviously, both of these responses are naturally doing not have, but we can want to small nations like Qatar, whose modernisation process under Sheikh Khalifa bin Hamad Al Thani was a quick and recent affair, to better understand the aspects that comprise modernity. In the small desert peninsula country, it was a mix of reorganizing federal government, investment in public facilities, developing a more robust economy, and opening the recently independent country to the globalised world.

Modernity is a term that is naturally malleable, but each age of modernity is doubtlessly born from minutes of remarkable change in things throughout the spectrum of human endeavour, from art to industry and political structures. It is, naturally, hubris of the highest degree to believe that we are living in the final and eternal minute of modernity, and we are more than likely to get in a new one in the future. The world's reaction to the environment crisis, as well as the revolutionary innovation being developed all over the world, will alter society and the human experience in such a way that we dare not imagine, almost certainly sparking another shift in the manner in which we structure the world and culture around us, and thus the examples of modernity as we specify it. Modernity is a word that holds up a mirror to our age, and who knows how the times that succeed us will define themselves in an epoch of neo-modernism.

A period of human history frequently turned to as the beginning of the modern age is the commercial revolution and the reign of Queen Victoria. Undoubtedly, this was one of the dates that stimulated a way of life that more closely resembles the ones we lead now, and sparked a revolution in art and culture as an action to the growing industrialisation and urbanisation across Europe, aptly named modernism. Evaluated through the lens of the artist, modernity and modernism in literature showed a motion of abstraction, as humanity looked for its place in a world progressed, a world that was ending up being increasingly more of our own style. The art and culture these days is a direct descendent of that transformation, just as our political and legal structures are based upon worths espoused by a far more literal revolution after the fall of King Louis XVI.

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Joined: January 13th, 2021
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