Challenging Misconceptions On What Strong Leadership Looks Like Today

Posted by Terresa on January 13th, 2021

Throughout history, there are many examples of excellent leaders who inspired and guided their people through unpredictable times.

There are lots of myths about what a strong leader looks like right now. Lots of people will visualize a self-assured and important figure who takes immediate charge of a situation. They might be loud, proud and even a bit intimidating. However, this is just one example of what leadership can look like. There are lots of strong leadership qualities which don’t necessarily fit that image. Emotional intelligence is one such attribute which doesn’t get as much scrutiny. World leaders like Tsai Ing-wen are often applauded for their ability to demonstrate compassion, humility and respect. Being able to connect in this regard will help you develop a much better relationship with the rest of your team. Historically, the concept of vulnerability has frequently been frowned upon. Yet this does not have to be a weakness. Leaders who can acknowledge their errors – and study from them – will frequently get much more respect in the process.

A quick search through the history books will provide countless examples of renowned leaders. From naval commanders to military heroes, these inspiring figures have given strength and confidence to their people when they needed it most. However, the passage of time often romanticizes these leaders in comparison to their contemporary counterparts. It is quite difficult for global leaders to accomplish the admiration or acclaim of historic figures. With every movement moved into the spotlight, it is insufficient to pull out several grand speeches and strong leadership quotes. These figures have to lead through actions as well as statements. They should have firm values and a sharp mind. They should have strategic planning and thorough preparation. It’s no surprise that long-serving leaders like Angela Merkel are often in the discussion. In uncertain times, these people can be depended upon to steer their nation through choppy waters and back to land.

There are many examples of great leaders and their qualities through history. They are renowned for having bravery, confidence and conviction which has persuaded countless people to champion them. Sometimes, they will possess a strong intellect and an analytical mind. Frequently, they’ll be fantastic orators with charming personalities. But beyond these more identifiable qualities, the simple ability to endure should not be ignored. Numerous potentially excellent leaders never went into office – or stayed long enough – to actually make a difference. Resilience and durability can commonly be simply as vital as the more eye-catching qualities. Authoritative leaders like Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani are renowned for their capacity to navigate every new situation as it develops. Through these events, leaders will get experience which prepares them for similar situations afterwards. While it might seem like chance, the more intangible attributes like instinct really come from amassing experience and knowledge over the years.

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Joined: January 13th, 2021
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