How Site Reliability Engineering Enhance and Automate Operations tasks

Posted by Reena walia on January 14th, 2021

In 2003, before the DevOps revolution, Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) was born at Google when the first team of software engineers was tasked with making Google's already large-scale sites more stable, efficient, and scalable. The practices they built reacted so well to the needs of Google that they were also embraced by other major tech businesses, such as Amazon and Netflix, and introduced new practices to the table.

What is Site reliability engineering?

Site reliability engineering (SRE) is an approach to IT operations in software engineering. SRE teams use the software as a tool to handle processes, repair issues, and automate tasks for operations. SRE takes on the tasks that operations teams have historically done, often manually, and instead gives them to engineers or operations teams that use software and automation to solve problems and manage production systems.

When developing scalable and highly stable software systems, SRE is a valuable activity. It allows you to manage massive systems through code, which is more flexible and sustainable for thousands or hundreds of thousands of machines to be operated by sysadmins. Ben Treynor Sloss is credited with the idea of site reliability engineering coming from the Google engineering team.

What does a site reliability engineer do? 

They divide their time between operations/on-call responsibilities and systems and software creation that help improve the efficiency and performance of the web. Google places a great deal of focus on SREs not spending more than 50 percent of their time on tasks and finds a sign of system ill-health any breach of this law.

As Google puts it, the ultimate aim for SREs is to "automate their way out of a job. Doing so eliminates work in progress for both stakeholders, encourages developers to concentrate solely on the creation of functionality, and allows them to concentrate on automating the next mission.

SREs work closely with product developers to ensure those non-functional criteria such as availability, functionality, protection, and maintainability are met by the developed solution. To ensure that the software delivery pipeline is as effective as possible, they also collaborate with release engineers.

The key standards of the Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) team are:-

1. Adopting a risk

2. Service Level Objectives

3. Toil Removal

4. Distributed Infrastructure Monitoring

5. Automation

6. Engineering for Activation

7. Simplicity

DevOps vs. SRE

DevOps is a culture, automation, and platform design strategy designed to deliver enhanced business value and responsiveness through the delivery of quick, high-quality service. SRE can be called a DevOps implementation. SRE is about team culture and relationships, much like DevOps. To deliver services quicker, both SRE and DevOps work to close the gap between growth and operations teams. Faster life cycles of application growth increased quality and reliability of the service and reduced IT time per established application are advantages that both DevOps and SRE practices can achieve.

SRE is different because within the development team it depends on site reliability engineers who also have operations experience to remove issues with connectivity and workflow.

By requiring an overlap of duties, the site reliability engineer role itself incorporates the abilities of dev teams and operations teams.

SRE will assist teams of DevOps whose developers are frustrated by tasks of operations and require someone with more advanced ops abilities.

DevOps focuses on going through the development pipeline quickly in terms of code and new functionality, while SRE focuses on balancing site usability with developing new features.

Modern container technology-based application systems, Kubernetes, and microservices are central to DevOps activities, helping to deliver stable and creative software services.

SRE became a full-fledged IT sector aimed at developing automated solutions for operational aspects such as on-call management, preparation of success and capacity, and disaster response. It beautifully complements other key DevOps strategies, such as continuous delivery and automation of infrastructure. Site Reliability Engineering (SRE ) allows teams to strike a balance between launching new functionality and ensuring that users are consistent. By applying a software engineering mindset to system administration topics, site reliability engineers create a bridge between development and activities.

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Reena walia

About the Author

Reena walia
Joined: July 3rd, 2020
Articles Posted: 17

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