Create the best blog and generate income through itPosted by GiulyRotarry on August 25th, 2014 A lot has been written and discussed on how to make money blogging. Though many are resorting to the financial benefits a blog can generate, let’s be realistic in our expectations. It’s not a rag to riches story where you can flaunt your designer dresses and fancy gadgets overnight. Hard work, research and patience bring about fruitful outcome. However, you can experiment with different resources and techniques for an extra source of income. The best part about blogging is that anyone young or old can take it up whenever they want to. Thus, if you are in college and looking for a part time job that does not hinder your studies or, are a retired individual who now has the time to take up writing and share different experiences, you can do so through blogging and get paid for doing it. A best blog is one that connects with the readers and provides services that are unique and fresh. Some of the techniques that can help you earn money are listed in the article. Firstly, selling ads is possibly the most popular way in generating income and is widely used by bloggers. There are many free tools such as Adsense or BlogAds that promote ads on your blog if you subscribe to them. The ads are placed in a way so as to maintain the sanctity of articles and do not pose problem to the readers. The more the viewers of the ads the more money they will earn you. Thus, it is important to have a loyal audience and popularity. If your blog is an established one, it has an edge over others and can easily provide solution to the problem of how to make money blogging. If your blog is about social awareness, health care or any such issues that focus on social transformation, you can always seek financial aid from your readers. The key here is to produce genuine work and believe in the cause. If your readers connect with the cause and your blog has touched them in many ways, they may be willing to donate. Your blog is indeed a best blog if it has made even a small difference in people’s lives. Here your relation with your readers is the most important aspect. You can promote different products and services in your blog space. If, for example, your blog is a repository of reviews of your favorite movies and the mention of a movie redirects it to a website selling a DVD of the movie, you are promoting the product through affiliate program. If your reader ends up buying the DVD using your blog source you will earn a part of the profit. This features regularly as an answer to how to make money blogging. You can also use your blog to sell your designs, paintings or arts and crafts accompanied by write ups on the piece of art. It will soon be considered a best blog among people who will get inspiration from your work. A best blog has all the right ingredients of wisdom, talent, humor, clarity and brilliance. Your hard work laced with passion will surely pay off and your popularity and huge audience will be an answer to how to make money blogging. There are different techniques on how to make money blogging. A best blog is one that inspires others and makes a difference to others. Like it? Share it!More by this author |