Some Potential trends Of Augmented Reality And Virtual Reality

Posted by samuel ttan on January 19th, 2021

Effectively speaking AR and VR are digital tools that either superimpose images on reality or enable users to gain an artificially created digital experience. Gaming headsets, Pokémon games, Snap chat filters etc. are just a few examples of the same. However, the ability of augmented reality and virtual reality Singapore to engage users, provide real-time data and simulate detailed real life-like experiences increases its potential to provide compelling uses.

The year 2020 saw these immersive technologies touching every aspect of human life from entertainment to business usage. In 2021 too optimal impact of AR and VR on industries will continue. Some of the top trends that define the usage of AR and VR are:

  •          Remote assistance: The COVID 19 situation warrants people to work, study and even socialise from home. Consequently, there is a rising trend of using AR and VR to provide remote assistance. Engineers, technicians etc., can see real-time on-site situations, assess conditions and job requirements and send advice and instructions to deal with the same.
  •          AI, AR and VR collaboration: This combination has already proved its potential in some areas. The year 2021 will see researchers focus on this AI, AR and virtual reality Singapore collaboration extensively and come up with ways to reap its benefits. Some expected advantages and potential uses include the development of highly interactive workspaces, enhancements in face recognition facilities etc.
  •          Widespread adoption: The widespread use of these technologies has influenced businesses and other sectors positively. Consequently, global spending on these technologies is set to increase and with consumers looking forward to an immersive brand experience, commercial sectors will spend the most on them. An increase in online sales has already resulted in many brands, businesses and retailers gravitating towards the use of AR and VR so customers can preview products to their satisfaction before purchasing them.
  •          5G to enhance AR/VR evolution: 5G networks are already becoming common. With its widespread deployment, augmented reality Singapore and virtual reality usage will speed up considerably. The integration of 5G technology will better VR experiences as:

o   End-to-end latency times will become less than 20milliseconds,

o   Data transfer to cloud pace will get a huge boost and

o   Processing of VR images will be faster resulting in speeding up of VR image formation.

Thus, viewers will benefit from the enhanced virtual experience they will receive.

  •          Robust AR app: The advent and adoption of ARKit by Apple and ARCore by Google set to improve AR app experience further and make it effortless and seamless. By adding several visual information layers about the surrounding real world, the possibilities of using AR indoor navigation have increased. Consequently, they are now being used in airports, museums, hospitals, colleges, homes, businesses etc.

Further technological advances will also bring in a new era with the development of AI AR avatars who are personified AI agents. Virtual You Tubers or VTubers are examples of the same.

These are just a few of the trends that are slated to redefine life in the year 2021. The potential of augmented reality and virtual reality Singapore are tremendous. The use of AR, VR or even a fusion of the two has opened up innumerable possibilities and experiences. Content and services made using these technologies are abundantly available, easily accessible and affordable. Today the adoption and usage of these critical technologies have become part of the mainstream.

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samuel ttan

About the Author

samuel ttan
Joined: October 20th, 2020
Articles Posted: 1