Choose Raw Foods

Posted by Barber Horton on January 19th, 2021

Antioxidant Function Selenium works with your body's natural antioxidant... glutathione. As an example of glutathione's antioxidant power, it can take a hydrogen peroxide free radical and turn it into water. They also help with Vitamin E. Recall Heartburn No More protects your cells' outer protective barrier.It has also been noted that during times of low Vitamin E, selenium will preserve Vitamin E from being "sacrificed" if you will.This means that even if you're deficient in Vitamin E and you get the daily amount of selenium... your body will use selenium to conserve what little Vitamin E you have in your body.Disease Prevention Selenium plays a role in the signaling your cytokines. Cytokines are the cells that alarms your immune system to get to work. Watson stresses the importance of digestive system enzymes which can help build up a strong system. There are many reasons why the digestive system would be weak. Some people for example just naturally have weak digestive systems which makes it harder for the body to process foods. Another more common reason is the use of antibiotics and other medication which kills certain good bacteria in the digestive system lining.Brenda Watson probiotics can also be used for children as well which is a great way to build a solid foundation in health and nutrition. Young children have weaker immune systems because they have not been exposed to many harmful cells so the body has not have the chance to "build up" against it.

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Barber Horton

About the Author

Barber Horton
Joined: January 19th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1