
Posted by swathi chitu on January 19th, 2021

Ketosis is the natural, metabolic, fat-blasting state that causes your body to use fat for fuel instead of carbs. With high carbohydrate diets now being linked to type 2 diabetes, fatty liver disease and poor heart health, there has never been a better time to go on the ketogenic diet. All this means is that our bodies are holding on to stored fat for its ultimate survival. While the body is truly miraculous for clinging on so tightly for its continuity, the health struggles most Americans face these days due to obesity are far more prevalent than long periods of starvation People on the ketogenic diet know it’s not simply about making different food choices. It’s actually a complete and total lifestyle overhaul. Watching your body, weight and energy levels transform is nothing short of remarkable, which is why more and more people are jumping on the keto bandwagon. However, like any lifestyle change, the greatest obstacle is actually starting. With the ketogenic diet

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swathi chitu

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swathi chitu
Joined: January 19th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1