Can Cannabis Be Helpful In Treating OCD

Posted by Tom Smith on January 20th, 2021


Mental health disorders range from moderate to severe ailments that hinder an individual from their daily activities. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is one of these ailments that affect about 2% of the US population. While this number keeps growing, there is a need to understand OCD and which treatment options are effective. This article outlines all you need to know about OCD and how cannabis may help overcome OCD symptoms. 

What is OCD?


OCD or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a mental health condition that primarily involves compulsions, obsessions, repetitive thoughts, and other symptoms. From these actions, a person suffering from OCD may be unable to carry out their daily activities efficiently. Most of the time, a person with OCD  may exhibit several characteristics such as:


  • A concern on checking on their actions

  • Fears of contamination

  • Hoarding useless and personal items.

  • Obsessive thoughts on orderliness and symmetry

Symptoms of OCD.


Common OCD symptoms are obsessions and compulsions. A patient may exhibit one of them or a combination of the two. Obsessive symptoms include contamination, perfectionism, religious beliefs, losing control, superstitions, and others. 

Compulsive thoughts may include repetitive handwashing, monitoring body actions, mental compulsions, repetitive routines, and others. 


OCD may affect both children and adults. However, the symptoms go away over time. The complications and negative thoughts among children may cause:


  • Self-esteem issues.

  • Disruption in daily routines.

  • Physical and mental illness.

  • Trouble maintaining and keeping friendships, etc. 

How can cannabis help in treating OCD?


There are several ways to treat OCD. The most common one is Cognitive-behavioral Therapy (CBT). However, this option focuses so much on an individual’s thought patterns, behavior, and feelings. A therapist will mostly encourage patients to identify and re-evaluate their beliefs and behavior concerning compulsive thoughts. 


With many people turning towards natural alternatives, cannabis is gaining popularity for its potential to treat hundreds of health illnesses. Studies reveal that cannabis can interact with the human Endocannabinoid System (ECS), responsible for regulating anxiety, stress, fear, and recurring behavior. With different cannabis extracts such as Shatter, you should be able to find adequate help from cannabis. 


OCD affects the larger part of the brain, limiting brain activity and modulation of emotional and behavioral patterns. CB1 Receptors are fundamental components of the ECS and play a crucial role in reducing OCD symptoms. So, how does cannabis help to overcome OCD?


Cannabis Can Help Reduce Conditioned Fear


Fear and too much worry are the symptoms of OCD. Individuals living with OCD have limited ability to avoid worry and anxiety for the brain’s disordered neural pathways. The fear network in the brain is unable to respond and address fear promptly. Studies prove that cannabis can be a natural treatment alternative to counter conditioned fear. 


Both THC and CBD can bind to CB1 receptors in the brain while preventing the activation of CB2 receptors that inhibit the extinction of fear. Cannabinoids in the body help to snuff-out and overcome fear memories to reduce OCD. Another compound present in the cannabis plant is Dronabinol, a synthetic form of CBD that helps overcome fear. Additionally, CBD can respond to induced fear, anxiety triggers and diminish conditioned fear.

Cannabis May Help Reduce Habitual Behavior


Habitual and repetitive behaviors are a symptom of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. A person suffering from OCD could have routine activities before bedtime or other actions. Studies prove that CBD and THC can reduce chronic and persistent behaviors when administered for one week. However, you should consider the form of intake, as smoking cannabis proves to have fewer urges to carry out compulsive habits. Dronabinol is another compound from cannabis that has shown more significant help in overcoming habitual behaviors. As a result, a patient with OCD may experience reduced compulsive thoughts and behavior. 




Cannabis May Reduce Stress And Anxiety  

Anxiety may exhibit itself in people with OCD. Even so, it can be defining and all-consuming, limiting oneself from one’s overall sense of self-worth. However, several studies provide evidence that cannabis may help alleviate stress and anxiety when administered correctly. Cannabis has two primary compounds that interact with the human Endocannabinoid system. These are Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD). The two compounds may bind the CB1 receptors to help alleviate anxiety and other mental health conditions. 


When THC is administered in low amounts, it can produce a calming effect and enhance the sensitivity of the CB1 receptors. THC is highly psychoactive and may produce a ‘high’ when administered in high doses, thus elevating the anxiety symptoms and, consequently, exacerbating OCD. CBD, on the other hand, is a perfect cannabis compound for overcoming OCD. Most products that are deemed to reduce mental health conditions have higher CBD. CBD helps to supplement the action of the body’s ECS and thus decrease anxiety and stress. 


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Tom Smith

About the Author

Tom Smith
Joined: January 20th, 2021
Articles Posted: 2

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