The Importance of Pest Control In London

Posted by Valerie on January 20th, 2021

Having rodents such as rats and mice is probably one of the most annoying things you want to deal with. Fall and winter are the seasons that are most likely to end up with rodent infestation in London. With temperatures starting to drop rodents are forced to look for food and shelter. These two essential needs can be satisfied in one location - Your home.

One thing is for sure if you end up with rodents in your London home this is because they have found what they are looking for and they are not willing to leave on their own. If your home is infested you will have to do something to get rid of them if you want to save yourself from the dangers and damages they can cause. Learn more why you need to call a professional pest control company about rodent problems in your London home.

Common Types Of Rodent Invaders
There are thousands of species of rodents, but only a few numbers of them are brave enough to attempt to invade your property. As a matter of fact, only two are responsible for the majority of rodent infestations.

Two types of mice and two types of rats are likely to invade your London home.

                                                        Domestic Mice
As their name suggests, domestic mice prefer to live in houses. However, they can survive outdoors. Usually, they can occupy any buildings. Domestic mice prefer dark areas where they can build their nests. Their nests usually are made from insulation, cotton or paper products.

Domestic mice are found to live in groups with a well-established social structure. The group is made up of a dominant male, beta male and numerous females. One female domestic mouse can have a litter of babies every three or four weeks, with about 12 babies in each litter.

Domestic Mouse Characteristic- They are small animals, usually around 2 to 3 inches long. Their fur is grey and their bellies are white. Domestic mire have pointed noses, large ears and their tails are fur-covered. These rodents prefer to eat seeds and grains but also they can eat almost everything that they found in your house.

                                                       Field Mice
Field mouse is also known as wood mouse. Field mice have the ability to get into your home since they are able to climb, swim, jump and gnaw their way into buildings. Usually, they enter through open windows or doors, holes and gaps. They are also more likely to be found in sheds or garages. If they get into your house they will try to find a secure place such as your attic.

Field mice have a similar social structure and habits as domestic mice. They usually will not enter your home alone, instead, they will come in a group.
Field Mice Characteristic- these pests have brown fur and are three to four inches in length. They have large eyes and ears and pointy noses. Their diet includes nuts, insects, fruits and seeds.

                                                 Norway Rats
Norway rats like most rats can climb and jump but they are not nimble-footed as roof rats and prefer to find shelter on the ground level. They can be often found in basements. Like other rats Norway rats are very social animals with the ability to reproduce quickly. One female can have up to eight babies and for one year the Norway rats can have up to seven litters a year.

Norway rat characteristic-  Usually, Norway rats grow up nearly to nine to ten inches in length. Their fur is brown with white belly. Their bodies are thick, their eyes and ears are small and have blunt noses. Norway rats prefer to eat cereals and meat but will eat almost everything they come across.

                                                  Roof Rats
Roof rats would rather make their nests in the upper parts of the buildings, finding their way inside from the roof. They are excellent climbers and jumpers. Sometimes roof rats could be found under structures. Like mice and Norway rats, roof rats live in groups. Their lifespan is usually only one year and one female can have up to fourteen babies within that time frame.

Roof rat characteristic- These rats are bigger than Norway rats and can grow up to eight inches in length. Roof rats have long and thin bodies and their fur is black. Their tails are hairless, and their eyes and ears are large. Their diet includes nuts, seeds, but they also will eat anything, including insects and small fish.

Problems caused by rodents in London homes
If rodents get into your London home, they can cause huge damages and issues, most of which can be very serious.

If rodents enter your home the first thing that they would do is to build their nest. They will need materials to do so. Usually, they will find these materials throughout your house by gnawing different materials such as insulation, clothes and shredding parts of cardboard boxes.

Unfortunately, the destruction doesn't stop there. Rodents' front teeth continue to grow throughout their lives. Because of this, they need to chew on a regular basis to make sure the teeth will not grow too long. If rodents infest your London home, you can expect them to gnaw and make damages to many surfaces or objects. Some of the damages could be minor, but some of them could lead to bigger problems. If they chew through electric wires, it is possible to cause a fire or if they chew through pipes, they can cause water leaks.

Another way rodents damage your property is through their droppings. Rodents will defecate and urinate everywhere, which will damage the areas where they move around. Rodents can be very destructive but also they can be very dangerous to human health. Rodent droppings could be found left on countertops, cabinets, food stores or pantries which can lead to food contamination and possible illness. As a matter of fact, rodent faeces and urine contains particles that become airborne and can cause respiratory problems.

Signs Of Rodent Infestation
- Discovering holes, gnawed cardboard boxes or food containers
-Finding droppings throughout  your house
-Hearing noises|
-Noticing greasy marks along the bottom of the walls or skirting boards

Why DIY methods are not successful
Trying to get rid of these frustrating pests on your own can be dangerous. If you have one rodent in your house, it is likely that there are more that you just can't see now. Poison is commonly used, but if you don't follow the guidance, it can be accessed by pets or children. Using traps won't eliminate your rodent problem. Rats and mice are smart animals and will avoid the traps.

Best Way To Get Rid Of Rodents
Your best bet when dealing with a rodent infestation is to seek help from a professional pest control company to eliminate your rodent problem.  By choosing Archers Pest Control to take care of your rodent problem, you can avoid many pitfalls of DIY rodent control.

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