How to Keep Copper & Brass Shiny with Clear Coat Copper

Posted by Vikram Kumar on September 17th, 2014

Copper and brass are two types of metals that are commonly used in homes all around the world. From pipes to figurines, garden fixtures, and doorknobs, these metals are popular simply because of the beautiful shiny finishes. Unfortunately, exposure to air alone can cause them to tarnish or to corrode. It can be quite tiring to maintain their shine, especially if you don’t use the right products.

Whenever we have copper or brass products that are clearly visible in or outside of the house, it’s almost mandatory for us to keep them shining, if we have the time. The problem arises when we don’t have the time to clean them often. Not only is the process time consuming, but a bit tiring as well. Polishing is definitely not an easy job, even when you’re using so called miracle polishers.

If you want to maintain that shine without having to polish every now and then, you’ll need to use protective coating products. Not only will these products keep your copper and brass items shining brightly for a long time, these will prevent them from corroding.

Understanding how copper & brass corrodes

Metals are susceptible to corrosion. Some may corrode faster than others may, but in time, it will happen especially if left unattended. The only way to prevent this from happening is to take good care of your metal products. You will need to clean them on a regular basis and apply corrosion prevention products from time to time.

Copper and brass metals experience corrosion at a much lesser rate than some other forms. Nevertheless, these won’t last for eternity. In time, corrosion will happen, especially if they are exposed to the elements.

Water and air are just some of the main enemies of copper and brass. Items made from those metals that can easily be accessed and cleaned will last longer. Unfortunately, items like copper and brass pipes are difficult to access causing them to corrode faster.

Corrosion Prevention Methods

Copper and brass items that are difficult to access may just be waiting for the time when they need to be replaced. For the times that are easily accessible, like those on display shelves, then all you need is a bit of time and effort to keep them shiny.

The first thing you’ll need to do is to clean the surface thoroughly. This is your first line of defense. If you clean copper and brass on a regular basis, corrosion is unlikely to happen anytime soon.

You will then need to apply polish and buff the items as well as you can to bring them to a high shine. After that, you’ll need to coat these with clear coat copper protection products to ensure that the shine will last.

Permalac produces clear coat copper protection products that are tested to last for years. These can also be used to brass products and other types of metals as well.

Resource Box
Permalac’s product line includes corrosion prevention products that are easy to apply and will last for a long time. If you need to protect copper or brass, then Permalac’s Clear Coat Copper -  Protection products will help you accomplish your goals. Whenever you need to Keep Copper & Brass Shiny , Permalac can help. Permalac also produces protection products for wood and stone finishes that are kept indoors or outdoors.

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Vikram Kumar

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Vikram Kumar
Joined: March 6th, 2014
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