How moisture act on foundations and basement waterproofing contractors in Queens

Posted by SIGMA BUILDERS INC on January 23rd, 2021

How moisture acts on foundations and basements waterproofing contractors in Queens?

Water continuously tests the strength of the foundation. In spring, melting snow saturates the ground, thereby raising the level of groundwater. They rise upward through the pores of the soil - this phenomenon is called capillary rise. The narrower these pores (capillaries), the higher the liquid moves through them. The type of soil affects the lifting height: in medium and fine sands - 25-50 cm, and in medium and heavy loams - 1.5-2.5 m.

What types of waterproofing are there in Queens?

By location, best waterproofing contractors Queens can be surface, internal and penetrating. The surface one protects the foundation from external forces; the inner one separates the structural elements from each other, and the penetrating one - the composition that permeates the base material.

At the device's place, horizontal and vertical are distinguished, and according to the method of application - gluing, fused, coating, painting, cast, plaster, injection, and impregnating waterproofing and gluing waterproofing - when surfaces are pasted over with material in a unique solution. Weld-on protection in rolls is heated up before gluing. Painting and coating - when the liquid mass is distributed over the surface. They are impregnating - when the composition is absorbed into the porous material. Plaster waterproofing contractors Queens - here, to prepare a mixture, a hydrophobic or water-repellent powder is used. Castinsulation - the material is poured over the surface, and it fills cracks and cracks, or injection when the insulating mass is injected under pressure.

How to choose to waterproof for the foundation and basement

Regardless of how you want to use the basement room, there are general rules.

If the groundwater lies more resonant than the foundation's bottom point by more than 1 m, you can get by with vertical and roll horizontal waterproofing contractors Queens.

Suppose the groundwater level to the foundation's base is less than 1 m, but the water does not reach the basement or reaches exceptionally rarely. In that case, it is worth performing horizontal waterproofing in two layers with a putty between them with mastic. For vertical protection, combine coating and pasting with roll materials with penetrating waterproofing. It will stop the capillary rise of water.

If groundwater is washing the foundation or heavy rains are pouring in the building area, it makes sense for you to equip a drainage system on the site. Let us recall that Russia's entire territory up to Eastern Siberia is located in a zone of moderate continental climate, with a large amount of precipitation. 

How does moisture affect

There are several ways in which water can lead to the destruction of a concrete foundation:

  • I was washing out of particles' structure, forming irregularities and potholes due to aggressive components in rain or groundwater.

  • Destruction when water penetrates into the body of the foundation and freezes there. The fact is that water is the only substance on the planet that expands rather than decreases in volume when it goes into a United state. Getting into the capillaries, it exerts intense pressure on the foundation from the inside, which leads to the appearance of cracks and cracks.

That is why waterproofing contractors Queens of the foundation is essential and should be carried out immediately after constructing the structure.

Moisture protection types by location

In general, the foundation waterproofing device is divided into three groups:

  • horizontal ;

  • vertical ;

  • the device of the blind area.

Can apply several methods

 Simultaneously depending on the type of base.

Penetrating insulation

Waterproofing the foundation in this way prevents moisture from entering the concrete capillaries. This increases the strength of the surface layer of concrete. waterproofing contractors Queens of the strip foundation in this way is often carried out using an additional coating or pasting layer.

On average, the penetration depth is 15-25 cm, but some materials can bury 90 cm. It is important to note that such methods are only suitable for concrete. When used on brick and stone, they are useless.

The most common compositions for this processing method are:

  1. Penetron

  2. Peneplag

  3. Hydrohit

  4. Penekrit

  5. Osmosis

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