How to make blog attractive: Ways and means of standing out from the crowd

Posted by SharonEvans on September 26th, 2014

 Blogging has become quite a profitable medium. Whether in terms of expressing oneself or making good money, bloggers know that it’s their heydays. Creating blogs is not difficult, especially with plenty of platforms today; learning the process of how to make blog is now within the grasp of all and sundry. In the present day world, the need for content writers, developers and bloggers is constantly felt. If you wish to blog, it is worthy beginning as a part-time blogger. This way you will learn the basic tips and tricks of the trade and will contribute significantly in the days to come. However, do not engage in blogging simply for the heck of it. A lot of things can be learnt when you make a blog. So be sure about your interests and only then decide the correct course of action for yourself.

Creating blogs is not the end of all. Basically, a blog can be anything from a personal website or web page that individuals keep updating to post their opinions, views and information, sometimes linking to other sites as well. While a large percentage of creative people can set sail with blogging, not everybody excels in it. This is because they falter when it comes to making these blogs stand out from the crowd. There are many things that can be done to render your blogs looking great. So read the following in how to make blog attractive and implement the same to see great results:

Email opt-in placements

If you wish to make your blogs grow quickly, get started with building an email list for the blog. You can either resort to guest blogging and then link it with your subscription page or place the opt-in forms at the proper place in the blog section. The best places would be above the fold or top of the sidebar or below each post. If your blogs are attention-grabbers, people will surely start sharing the content, commenting or simply subscribing to the blogs.

Design matters

How can you create a great impact on first time visitors with your blogs?  Move away from the cheap or free ones and go for better themes. If you hire a professional for the design section, it is certain that factors like SEO, traffic building, support and updates and every other aspect connected to growth of business will be attended to. Even social media icons and good typography matters when you make a blog.

Readable content scores more

Unlike the popular belief that content is everything, it is actually readable content that changes the game altogether. For a striking effect, killer titles, quality images and a strong call-to-action plan work wonders. In fact, to score well as a blogger, it is recommended to read quality stuffs.

At the end of the day, designs and effects are definitely important. But what matters the most is the content. Interesting topics and ideas and frequent publication of the same will indeed make blogs a learning spot for many.

Keen to know how to make blog? We are a user-oriented site helping clients know the basics of how to make a blog share photos and videos or advertise about their business products and services.

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