Stay Healthy While COVID-19 Keeps You Home

Posted by Everest Rehab on January 25th, 2021

Get dressed and groom yourself as if you are headed out the door In an attempt to slow the spread of COVID-19, the United States has implemented strict social distancing guidelines. Although the specific limitations may vary based on your state, county, and city requirements, we can all agree that we are staying home so much more than usual. In addition to the overall stress of the unparalleled situation, we are in, working from home can have added negative effects on both your mental and physical health.  You may find yourself sitting for an unusual amount of time, for example. Below are some tips from various professionals to assist you in staying healthy while at home. 

Keep a Schedule

It is widely advised that keeping a daily routine gives you a sense of control and relieves the lost sense of time we may be experiencing while staying at home. Some suggestions include:

  • Wake up at a specific time and make your bed each morning
  • Get dressed and groom yourself as if you are headed out the door
  • If working from home, commit to working the same hours as if you are in the office
  • Set up a specific workspace to use during your work hours
  • Maintain your typical meal schedule
  • Keep a decent bedtime

Quiet Time 

Your brain needs downtime. Schedule activities that allow your brain to “turn off” and your body to relax. 

  • Meditate
  • Read a book
  • Listen to calming music
  • Journal your experience and emotions

Once restrictions are lifted and your daily routine returns, remember the things that kept you healthy during your extended stay at home. Although having these in place now is vital, everything listed above will help keep you physically and mentally healthy for a lifetime. At Everest Rehabilitation Hospitals, we have dedicated our lives to keeping you healthy when you need it most.

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Everest Rehab

About the Author

Everest Rehab
Joined: January 25th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1