What is data mapping for PDP? What’s the PDP bill?

Posted by shibhi on January 27th, 2021

What is data mapping for PDP?

The businesses are growing online rapidly and have developed mechanisms to increase their customers. One of the strategies is retrieving and processing their visitors' data.  The companies collect the visitors' data and process them according to their requirements. The type of data the companies approach, whether it is essential or more than their need, have to fulfill national and international data privacy regulations. Several countries and states have devised their own rules and regulations for data processing and storage to protect their citizens' rights. In 2019 India had also passed its bill for Personal Data Protection to protect the data that companies retrieve from people visiting their sites. So, in this short article, we will talk about data mapping for PDP.

What’s the PDP bill?

The PDP bill was presented before the parliament on December 11, 2019, and enacted in 2020. This law protects the personal data of an individual. The personal data includes any characteristics, feature, or quality that authenticate the person's identity. 

The PPD bill protects individuals' rights by giving people the right to know how their data is getting processed, correct their data, understand to whom their data gets transferred, and restrict data usage whenever required or the withdrawal of consent.

The PPD bill empowers and informs the individuals on how their data should get used. 

Data Processing: 

When data is getting processed by the government, companies, or businesses, basically it involves:

  • The collection of data

  • Use and storage  of data 

  • Sharing of data

Disposal of data

The PDP bill gives the data collectors authority to process the data and users to consent for that. The businesses gather information such as IP addresses, username, email, etc., of an individual, but how this data is getting collected, retrieved, and used by the companies or businesses. The answer lies in the data mapping. 

Data Mapping: 

Data mapping is the road map of getting information from a specific source and then transfer it to the targetted database. One mistaken step in the data operation leads to the transformation of false information that results in incorrect data analysis and ultimately topples the organization. 

The data mapping encompasses transfer, integration, and data warehouses. It is a mapping of the route of data transfer from source to target. 

Data Mapping and PDP bill: 

With the new bills for data privacy, the companies and businesses need to update and comply with their privacy terms accordingly.  Data mapping is a tool that helps the organization to comply with the new rules and regulations like PDP Act

The companies that fail to follow the current rules may have to pay the fines; to avoid this, the companies have to check their collected data and follow its journey until its disposal. And data mapping ease those tasks for them. 

In non-compliance, the companies could lose their customers' trust who are now more aware of their rights, so they demand companies update their privacy terms and conditions. 

What’s the concept behind data mapping? 

The data mapping concept follows the journey of the collected data in detail to remove any misrepresentations and enhance the transparency level to make the businesses easy to operate. 

Data Mapping helps businesses achieve compliance by mapping their collection, use, and data storage using structured and authenticated means. For now, the digital companies collect data of an individual from their social media accounts, emails, and IP addresses; these are not the corroborate sources of getting information about the customers. So, a validated mapping of the data is required to build trust and credence among the masses. 

There comes the data mapping, and companies initially have to spend some money on compliance. Still, it will be beneficial for the organization in monetary terms and eminence in the longer run. 

Final Words: 

In a nutshell, PDP or GDPR data mapping is the meticulous processing of data to enhance efficiency. Data mapping is a widely recognized and verified tool to comply with the new Personal Data Protection regulations. 


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