Important Insights into the World of Dates

Posted by sophiasmith on October 28th, 2014

If you are planning to buy dates in large quantities, you will have to look out for a dealer or a manufacturer directly. Many manufacturers or growers of dates don’t sell them directly to the market. They sell it via distributors, wholesalers or suppliers. If you are looking to buy dates paste, then you need to understand that the paste form of dates is generally done by the wholesaler or the dealer. The manufacturer of the dates may sell whole dates to the wholesalers or dealers. These middlemen, in turn, would make the paste of the dates and sell it to the end user.

So, a typical date paste manufacturer may not be the grower of the dates, but a mere middleman who would take the best dates from the growers and then get them into paste. Dates in whatever form will taste fantastic, but storing of dates is generally not done the way it needs to be done. Many people will tell you that dates can be kept in a cool and dry place without refrigeration for several days. This may be true in some cases, but by and large, you will have to keep it under refrigeration if you want to preserve it for several days. There is definitely a shelf life for dates and you will have to be totally aware of if you want to consume it after a long time.

When you look at some of the best online stores for dates, you will find that they are sold in packets. The weight of these packets can range anywhere between 1 kg and 10 kg. When you want to order in bulk quantities, you will have to approach the right middleman. It is always recommended to contact a dealer or a wholesaler of dates when you want to order in bulk quantities. Dates are provided in a variety of packaging, which can be chosen depending on the needs of the customers. In terms of quality, you can have the standard dates or the organic dates.

On the cost front, the organic dates are slightly expensive, but they don’t pose any health risk when eaten. Given the nutrition value of dates, one can surely have a couple of them on a daily basis. Most doctors will recommend dates when you are feeling low in terms of energy and vitality. Since dates are grown in the arid and desert regions of the world, getting them from importers can pose a challenge. With the advent of the internet, it is very easy these days to get the best dates from any part of the world.

Getting the whole dates is always paramount—especially in the hotel and bakery industry. In these industries, dates are used as natural sweeteners and they also add value to the taste. There are even some delicacies named after the dates, which are easily available on request. Dates fruit and milk are considered to be a fantastic combination and is generally taken just before bed time.

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