7 Innovative Marketing Strategies That Are Guaranteed to Generate Conversions

Posted by Steven Dean on January 30th, 2021

content marketing

Getting online conversions is a numbers game. For every business trying to sell products and services online, there are a thousand plus customers searching for the products and services sold by the business.

The web is the perfect place to attract customers and market your products and services, If you are still struggling to get leads and conversion, a change in strategy may be needed.

Here, we share 7 tips on how to improve your content marketing strategy to generate conversions regularly.

Create High-Quality Content

The blogs, articles, images, videos and other media that you create and share on your website must be high quality. What do we mean by quality? It should be helpful to the reader and provide them something of value.

Perhaps you can write self help blogs that raise your readers’ knowledge, or you may provide them entertaining content that wants to keep coming back to. Perhaps you can offer them a solution to the problem, something they were searching for when they stumbled on your website?

Producing high quality content isn’t that difficult if you think from the perspective of the visitors that you want to attract to your website.

Build Trust and a Good Reputation

Getting conversions is a long term game. You have to put out content consistently, sometimes for months, before you will build a following that trusts you enough to buy your products and services.

If you are a big name brand that people recognize, then sure, you can become an instant success and get sales from day one. But if you are a new business or a local brand, then it takes time to build enough credibility that people will order from your company.

Get Positive Endorsements

Endorsements can come in many forms. They can be reviews on your website, social media pages or business listing/review sites. They can be rankings on different comparison platforms, like 5 stars on Amazon, etc.

You can also get referrals and recommendations from other businesses, influencers and content creators online. These referrals hold more weights than anonymous reviews and ratings.

Make It Easier to Buy from You

The checkout process should be simple, quick and seamless for your customers. Customers are not interested in filling page after page of information and credit card details. Put up a short form with relevant details that can be used to quickly order products and services.

Also, consider offering your customers quick form completion options if you rely on regular repeat sales from customers. Many online food ordering businesses have applied such forms very successfully on their website. It makes a huge difference in how many orders you get consistently.

Communicate Regularly

The success of content marketing relies on how regularly you communicate with your readers. If you regularly put out new content and base it on current events, you will find it much easier to click with your audience and build more trust.

The common practice is to publish at least one blog on your site every other day. It is more common for some educational, entertainment and news industries. Manufacturers and other services providers can probably get by with less. At least 2 blogs or articles a week is the minimum you should aim for.

Consistent content production will help raise the ranking for your website and raise the visibility of your brand. If you are struggling to produce content regularly, you may want to work with professional blog and article writing services. They are relatively cheap and can put out good quality articles based on your requirements.

Focus on Email Marketing

Email marketing is very useful for generating sales. It is particularly beneficial in the B2B, entertainment and publishing industries.

The downside to email marketing is that it takes time to build a good mailing list. You must be very proactive and design your site so that it prompts visitors to leave their email address with you.

You can work around this by getting leads through agencies. However, such mailing lists are not as reliable as building your own email list from site visitors.

The major benefit of email marketing is that it gives you the power to contact customers rather than waiting for them to contact you. You can send them new product articles, blogs and updates about your business.

Publish Interactive Content on Your Website

You can explore and publish a variety of content on your site, including quizzes, games, polls, contests, interactive tools, and need assessments. For example, suppose you run a fitness business online. You can create a pop up quiz for visitors on something like “Are you fit enough for a 1 – mile marathon?”

The quiz can explain fitness levels to your visitors and help them set up goals and milestones for improvement. You can then suggest training regimens and encourage readers to sign up with you for a discounted or special offer.

Visa processing and credit card companies often use this approach to assess their visitors’ qualification levels and then offer them a product that can improve their eligibility. Very effective!

Final Word

Once you have built up your website and have it running, the next goal should be to improve conversions. Getting a lot of followers and regular traffic is great, but you can’t build a business on visitors alone.

You will struggle, even if you can get ad sponsorship unless you start selling some products and services.

Many new business operators struggle to sell online. This is either because they don’t know how to sell effectively or struggle with content production. We shared some proven content marketing tips that should help you move your business in the right direction.

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Steven Dean

About the Author

Steven Dean
Joined: January 30th, 2021
Articles Posted: 1