5 Parenting Resolutions You Can Take This Year to Connect Better With Your Kids

Posted by Tanya Sharma on January 30th, 2021

So, what is on your list of New Year resolutions for 2021? Is it to hit the gym more often or to meditate daily? Or, are you planning to pay off that loan or invest in something new? These are all really great resolutions, and we hope that you fulfill each one of them, but how about adding one more to that list of yours? It’s time to take a resolution that will leave an indelible impact on your family for the years to come. We are talking about taking up parenting resolutions that can help you connect better with the apple of your eye.

The previous year has been particularly hard on everyone, especially for the parents who have had to work doubly hard at dealing with the added responsibilities brought in by 2020. So, we think that 2021 is the perfect time to move away from the difficulties of the last year and look ahead with hope and optimism. And taking the right parenting resolutions to strengthen your bond with the kids can be a good way to start. On that note, we, at DPS Sushant Lok, have brought forth a few suggestions here for our parent fraternity that you can take up as your resolutions for 2021.

  1. Reconsider the time you spend with your kids

At DPS Sushant Lok, one among the Top CBSE Schools in Gurgaon, we understand that most parents spend all of their time around the kids. After all, it is you, the parents, who remain busy in getting the kids ready to go out, helping them with their homework, making sure they eat their veggies, and a lot more. But here we are referring to the significance of spending one-on-one time with the kids, without all other responsibilities coming in the way. So resolve to spend a particular time of the day daily with the kids where you listen to their day or read a book together. Take your pick on the activity!

  1. Plan more activities for the family to do together

The importance of family time and bonds was highlighted like no other as in 2020, and we should all resolve not to forget those lessons in this New Year. Hence, our suggestion would be to plan more activities that you can do together this year. Maybe you can have a family game night on Sundays or simply decide to divide some chores among yourself to do together.

  1. Create a weekly or monthly routine with your kids

Since we are on the subject of starting afresh this year, why not create a new monthly or weekly routine with the kids? Say, you can go for a movie or eat out together once a month, or maybe you can make a weekend trip every month. When you take up this resolution and keep your promise every month, it will help strengthen the confidence and trust that your kids have in you.

  1. Pay attention to the screen time for you and the kids

We are certainly not asking you to cut off screen time completely for both you and your kids, but only to reevaluate it for this year if you haven’t already. Let this be the year when you focus more on yourself and your family and less on the screens. To that end, you can lay down some ground rules about where the family members are not allowed to use their phone or until what time of the evening everyone is allowed to be on their gadgets.

  1. Take some time off to relax and be with yourself

The final bit of advice is the most important one according to us because unless you take care of yourself, the connection that you have with your kids will end up getting affected. So, take a while off from your daily responsibilities and spend some time with yourself to relax and rejuvenate.

At DPS Sushant Lok, we have always believed that a huge share of our success as one of the Top CBSE Schools in Gurgaon goes to our parents’ community, who have always maintained their trust in us. It is you, the parents, who are our source of encouragement and inspiration and have kept reassuring us that we are on the right path. We heartily thank you all and hope that all the ideas outlined here will help you be the rockstar parents that you all are

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Tanya Sharma

About the Author

Tanya Sharma
Joined: October 19th, 2019
Articles Posted: 65

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