Choosing a Memorial Mason in Basingstoke: A Few Words of Advice

Posted by AllmaJess on October 30th, 2014

Now that your loved one has passed away, you need to shoulder the responsibilities that accompany such tragic incidents. Like you need a funeral director for carrying out the last rites of your loved one, you also need to find a memorial mason in Basingstoke to get a customized tombstone manufactured. While finding a professional who can carry out such a job with meticulous detailing can prove to be a heartbreaking endeavour, you cannot just escape your responsibilities as a close relative. Can you? Therefore, you should first solicit recommendations from other members in your family or probably a friend to get a memorial mason architected. Always look for professional services to avoid last minute chaos. Look up Google for professional masonry service providers who can arrange for family bereavement in Basingstoke for you.  

How does a professional mason work?

Hard-boiled professional masons have a methodical broach to the job. They will first come up to you, know your requirements and show you a couple of stones and granites for you to choose from. You need to ensure that the stone you are choosing is perfectly in unison with the design made out of it. Keep in mind that local weather conditions, vegetation and pollution can make your choices limited when it comes to choosing stone or granite for making a memorial. You should look for a professional memorial mason in Basingstoke who is highly knowledgeable about these factors and can take off the hassles from you.

Choosing an NAMM approved mason – What’s the point?

All approved members of the NAMM or National Association of Memorial Masons are driven by strict professional ethics and can provide you hassle-free services. The Association has its own arbitration services and all of its members have Public Liability Insurance. NAMM has its own code of practices and follows all the industry standards, including but not limited to HSE guidelines and the approved masons can provide with a Compliance Certificate once the monument is built and erected. Choosing an NAMM approved masons translates into paying for high skills and knowledge of a professional mason. Besides, you can get added support from NAMM.

Questions you should ask before hiring a mason

It is important to ask a few questions before hiring a monument mason in Basingstoke. You should ask the following questions to ensure that you are entrusting the job to the right person.

•             Ask whether the mason carried out similar works in your local cemetery

•             Ask for photographs of recently completed works

•             See whether the mason is the member of the NAMM.

•             Check if the mason is duly authorized to work in your local cemetery.

•             Can the mason stand behind his work?

•             Is the mason completely insured?

•             Can he provide you with a price quote?

•             Can he give you specific start and completion dates?

•             Ask for recommendations from previous satisfied customers.

•             Check if the mason religiously adheres to NAMM Code of Practice and materials supplied by them are all compliant with BS 8415.

Go online to find the best mason and family bereavement in Basingstoke service providers.

Are you searching for a reliable memorial mason in Basingstoke? Spencer and Peyton offers professional services for family bereavement in Basingstoke.

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