How Having a Personalized Website can Benefit You

Posted by alvina on February 2nd, 2021

Generic websites can be spotted miles away. The online market is saturated with businesses trying to get their foot in the door, which makes it really important to stand out from the rest. With website personalization, you can easily attract and keep the right people’s attention. Read our guide to find out what website personalization is and how you can benefit from web personalization tools.

Website Personalization Explained

In short, website personalization refers to the practice of affording each visitor with a unique experience of your site. This is determined based on characteristics of the site visitor and the goal is to kick generic and boring experiences to the curb.

The Benefits of Personalizing your Website

1. Reduced Bounce Rates

When people are shown things that they like, they’re likely to spend more time on your site. You need to give people a reason to stay and explore and by personalizing their experience, you’re doing just that.

2. Improved Customer Loyalty

Using the available web personalization tools you’ll be able to give visitors a welcoming experience and feeling welcome means that you don’t only stay longer but tend to come back. When the brand shows that it cares about visitors as individuals, understands them, and can offer exactly what they’re in need of, they stay loyal to the brand and trust them to continue offering only what is best for them.

3. Increased Conversion Rates

Call-to-action (CTA) is a great way to encourage site visitors to buy an item, read a post or watch a demo. When personalizing your CTA, you can remove irrelevant information. It can, for example, become extremely annoying when a website keeps asking you to sign up for a subscription list when you already have. To increase your conversion rate optimization, you need to personalize your CTA to give site visitors the assurance that you already know what they have and will introduce them to what you think they still need.

4. Make your Brand the Preference

Web personalization tools not only help to create a unique experience while someone is on your site, but can also influence how a visitor feels offline. Using the information gathered about a visitor while they were interacting on your site can help you create content to share with other channels that will resonate with them, making it a personal and effective experience while offline too.

5. Improved Return on Investment

Companies who use website personalization across the entire visitor experience, which starts at marketing, has shown a higher return on investments (ROI) than companies who don’t use it or only use it for one experience. Not only do they see an increase in ROI rates, but they also place themselves in the best position to identify behavioural changes in visitors and start implementing immediate change to adapt to it.

Although there are many more improvements to be gained through personalizing your personal or company website, these are some of the most beneficial. Make your site visitors feel like royalty by implementing the right tools to meet their needs.

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