Treatments to Get from a Hornsby Cosmetic Dentist

Posted by Vikram Kumar on November 14th, 2014

Dentistry is not just about extracting teeth and filling cavities; it’s also about improving your appearance and smile.This has become even more possible with the latest technological advancements. Cosmetic dentistry aims at improving the aesthetics of your teeth, gums and bite. Our Hornsby dental surgerypractice aspires to cater forall your cosmetic dentistry needs. Following are some of the procedures performed by our expert cosmetic dentists:

  • Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a safe and noninvasive procedure that makes your teeth whiter and brighter. Teeth can become stained due to smoking, aging, and excessive consumption of certain foods such as caffeine, tea, red wine, sausages, and coke. Teeth whitening is achieved using certain whitening products that contain hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide as bleaching agents. These agents remove the stains from your teeth and give them a lighter shade.

  • Dental Implants

Implants are the long-term solution for lost or missing teeth. The procedure involves surgical implantation of metal screws into the jaw bone which are later covered with a crown.

  • Veneers

Veneers are wafer-thin shells, usually made of porcelain, that are used to cover the front surfaces of teeth. Dental veneers would be recommended by any Hornsby cosmetic dentist to improve the appearance of stained teeth, spaced teeth, and chipped or worn teeth.

  • Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and Onlays are indirect restorations, usually made of gold or porcelain. They have the benefit of conservation of more of the natural tooth structure as compared to a crown.

  • Inlays involve preparing the tooth surface and taking impressions of the prepared tooth. The inlay is then fabricated in the laboratory and cemented into place.

  • Onlays are also indirect restorations like inlays but they more extensive and extend onto the top surface of the tooth.Onlays are most commonly used to restore teeth with fractured cusps.

  • Smile Makeover

Smile makeover is cosmetic dentistry for patients who think their smile could improve. Smile makeover works on your smile using one or more cosmetic dentistry procedures:teeth whitening, dental veneers, bonding, and/or dental implants may be used to give you the perfect smile. We can also advise you if you are a candidate for Invisalign.

  • Full Mouth Reconstruction

Full mouth reconstruction is the process of restoring all teeth in both of the jaws. General and specialist dentists work in alliance to achieve a full mouth reconstruction. The common indications for this procedure are

  • Missing teeth
  • Traumatized or severely eroded teeth
  • Bite problems leading to jawand muscle pain, and headache.

Resource Box
Our Hornsby dental surgery clinic strives to be a leading provider of cosmetic dentistry services. These include but are not limited to teeth whitening, dental implants, veneers, and a smile makeover. So if you are looking for the best Hornsby cosmetic dentist around, do book an appointment with us.

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Vikram Kumar

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Vikram Kumar
Joined: March 6th, 2014
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