The Most Frequently Asked Questions on Lasik Surgery

Posted by Arizona Lasik on February 3rd, 2021


Even when you decide to go for Lasik vision correction, your mind might be filled with too many questions. While your chosen Lasik Surgery procedure provider might diligently answer all your questions, you would feel like “double checking" some of the facts. And you are not alone in this problem. There are thousands of patients like you who would love to explore more about the procedure. So here is a shortlist of what you might want to ask.

Q. Should you have 20/20 vision post-surgery?

Whether you go for a Lasik surgery in Arizona or elsewhere, ensure that you have chosen a dedicated and experienced team. Then you can rest assured that your surgery will improve your vision without any complexity. Even then, no surgeon or organization can guarantee to gift you with perfect vision. But hopefully enough, a majority of the patients undergoing this treatment have enjoyed its benefits. Just like them, you can play sports, drive or watch TV without lenses or glasses.

Q. How safe is the procedure, and what is the cost?

With some sporadic exceptions, the Lasik surgery under expert hands has involved no complexity. So when you decide to undergo Lasik eye surgery in Phoenix, then make sure to check the cost and list of doctors working in the local organizations. Do a background check before fixing your appointment in any of them. Choose wisely because Lasik Eye Surgery Cost in Phoenix, AZ, varies from clinic to clinic.

Q. Can you treat both of your eyes together?

There is no problem in conducting laser surgery in both your eyes simultaneously. However, just like any surgical procedure, your eyes might take some time to stabilize. You can expect some wear and tear, scratchy feel post-surgery. So ensure to take some days off if you decide to go for treatment on both your eyes.

Q. How permanent is the effect of laser surgery?

An ophthalmologist working for a leading Lasik surgery provider in Arizona affirms that the treatment results will be reasonably long. However, occasionally, patients need a second surgery for more precision. Plus, there are going to be age-generated eye problems in the future. But none of them would have severe effects on the eyes.

Q. Do you need reading glasses after the treatment?

Lasik Vision Surgery Arizona aims to eliminate or at least reduce your use of glasses. However, you do not need reading glasses for far-sightedness or near-sightedness. Reading glasses are necessary for age-related eye problems. This is something that laser surgery does not treat.

Q. How long should you wear those shields that the ophthalmologist gives you?

You will need to wear shields, especially when sleeping in the night. After the surgery, the doctors would fix a transparent plastic sheath over the eye area. This would prevent you from scratching or rubbing the eyes. You have to wear it for a day.

1. The additional shield that you will get is another essential part of post-operative care. Wear it for 4-5 nights while sleeping.

2. If you co-sleep with your children or pets, then make sure to wear the shields for at least ten nights post-surgery.

When you have a question in mind or an apprehension to clear, don't look for self-proclaimed experts. Instead, consider visiting the company website of Arizona Lasik, where real experts await to answer all your queries. 

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Arizona Lasik

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Arizona Lasik
Joined: April 6th, 2019
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